Monday, July 3, 2023

Ukraine War Stuff

Update 7-6-2023 an edited version of this appeared as a board-of-contributors column in the Thursday 7-6-2023 Waco "Tribune-Herald".  


It seems the long-anticipated Ukrainian counter-offensive has begun.  This thing is supported by vast quantities of weapons from the US and multiple other western nations.  However,  the supporting air cover is still lacking,  so it is a grindingly-slow battle of attrition on the ground. 

The “wild card” so far has been the failed armed rebellion in Russia,  by the Wagner Group mercenaries,  who have been the most battle-worthy troops Russia has fielded so far in Ukraine.  The real Russian military supplies their heavy weapons and vehicles,  though.  What effect that rebellion and its outcome may have on the counter-offensive,  is still uncertain.

The Ukrainians are our proxy army against Putin’s Russian troops and mercenaries,  who invaded as the next escalation beyond their previous relatively-unopposed misbehaviors (annexing Crimea,  fomenting uprisings in the east).  Do not expect fast results:  this entire thing is going to be a knock-down/drag-out army-against-army thing,  with high casualties on both sides,  almost no matter what else happens. 

Evidence is mounting that Putin’s Russians destroyed that dam in the Kherson region,  with disastrous effects,  but also halting the counter-offensive in that region.  The Russians had the means,  and the motivation,  to do this,  and they had control of the dam when it actually failed.  If it quacks like a duck…

They claim the Ukrainians did it,  but one would be unwise in the extreme to accept that claim!  A common modus operandi with Putin’s Russia is to do something atrocious,  then claim the other side did it instead,  as loudly as they can,  to divert blame from themselves.  We’ve seen it before,  and not just with Putin’s Russia.  It’s right out of the playbook that all dictators have used for centuries.

Putin has also been making threats to use nuclear weapons for almost a year now,  and has recently started moving nuclear weapons into neighboring Belarus,  a Putin ally adjacent to Ukraine.  As the Ukrainians begin to push the Russians out,  I think Putin might actually use nuclear weapons on Ukraine for revenge.  He’s done just about every other atrocious war crime that there is to do.  It fits his pattern.

Regardless,  this war must go to the correct completion:  only a Ukrainian victory can be the outcome here!  We have to supply the weapons necessary to bring this about,  or otherwise Putin will continue invading other breakaway nations that were formerly part of the Soviet empire (and some of them are members of NATO now,  triggering an all-NATO response that starts WW3 in Europe).  As with Hitler,  you cannot appease a dictator,  or negotiate limited behaviors.  Only raw naked force in sufficient quantities is effective to stop them.  We’ve seen that before,  too!

Our supplying the Ukrainians sufficient means to win is what Putin fears the most,  other than direct war with all of NATO!  That is why his spy agencies and hacker groups have been spreading propaganda lies on social media,  and among far-right “news” outlets,  trying to convince enough people in the US and other western nations to oppose supporting Ukraine,  for any of a number of bogus “reasons”. 

It is also why they meddled in the 2016 US election,  trying to help Trump get elected.  They knew Trump would favor Putin over our NATO allies,  and he did,  starting in Helsinki.  We all saw it on live TV.  And to my way of thinking,  that behavior was arguably treason of the “aid and comfort to the enemy” type. 

Our press have repeatedly noted the existence of a “Pro-Putin wing” of the GOP that wants to end support for Ukraine.  The right-wing social media and “news” outlets are infested with both conspiracy theories and Russian propaganda,  and that’s all those folks ever hear,  so they believe it (repeated lies becoming “true” is another item right out of the dictator’s playbook).  So,  I just told you why the Putin wing of the GOP exists.  And I have been describing to you why it is deadly wrong.

Do not be deceived by any of this!  Ukraine must win to contain future Russian invasions,  and we must fully support them to make that outcome fully happen.  Otherwise,  this degenerates into general war,  sooner or later (that unopposed escalating misbehavior is exactly how WW2 started in Europe). 

And if Putin starts succeeding in Europe,  Xi in China will see the western countries as too weak to stop him,  and so he will immediately invade Taiwan.  That starts WW3 in the Pacific,  exactly the same way Japan started WW2 in the Pacific with the Pearl Harbor raid. 

Only this time around,  everybody involved already has nuclear weapons!  You have been warned! 

Russian Mobile Battlefield Nuclear Missile


Update 7-12-2023:  Reports say Zelenskyy is upset because NATO could not offer Ukraine a clearer path to membership.  I can understand that.  Ukraine is NATO’s proxy war-fighter against ever-enhancing Russian aggression.  This role has already laid much of Ukraine in ruins. 

NATO exists to counter Russian (and similar) aggression.  Simple as that.  I think it is past time NATO did more in this war to push Russia back.  It may be time to immediately make Ukraine a member,  and send in the NATO armies per Article 5.  All the stuff tried up to now is short of that response,  and it really isn’t working all that well.  If at all.

Putin’s Russia has demonstrably moved from threats and saber-rattling to actual invasions (with associated atrocities and war crimes).  This is exactly the same as the behavior pattern of Hitler’s Nazi Germany in the mid-to-late 1930’s.  Unless stopped,  Russia will continue escalating its egregious behavior into general war,  just like Nazi Germany did,  in the late 1930’s. 

Either learn from history,  or else repeat it.  The repeat is not identical:  this time all the participants have nuclear weapons.

Diplomacy and economic sanctions are never going to stop Putin’s Russia.  Only large amounts of raw naked force will!  This has escalated to the point that one small proxy is not going to be able to do the job that has to be done.  It has become painfully obvious that NATO must take direct action,  while Putin still fears direct war with NATO. 

Sooner than you might suspect,  Putin will no longer fear that!  His pattern of behavior is identical to that of Hitler, who by 1939 no longer feared war with the western allies. 


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