Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Trump Cult Warning

The following is the text of a signed letter I sent to PBS's NewsHour at their "viewermail" address.  The letter is a warning about the threat of a coming dictatorship in the US.  I am shouting from the rooftops about this threat!  As for the image,  some "peaceful tour or demonstration" that was!


A much-edited version of this appeared as a column in the Waco,  Texas,  "Tribune-Herald" 30 January 2024


I am still astounded that no one trying to responsibly report the news seems to understand where all the rabidly-loyal Trump voters are coming from,  and why they persist in their support,  despite the serious criminal trials of Trump that are coming.  They so very clearly want him,  even if he is in jail!

That’s because it is a fearless leader cult built around Trump in the run-up to the 2016 election,  from roots in the “Qanon” on-line conspiracy.  Cults are cults,  belief outweighs the importance of any facts!  They operate by brainwashing,  and the Trump cult has been brainwashing GOP voters since 2015. 

Our cowardly GOP politicians know this,  which is why they cravenly do whatever the brainwashed crowd wants,  no matter how nonsensical or evil.  They still outnumber the true Trump cultists in the GOP,  and yet they are utterly subservient to them,  because of those brainwashed voters.  That is what “primarying” really means!

The GOP has morphed from a largely corporate-friendly membership 3+ decades ago,  to a major percentage of uneducated blue-collar membership today,  precisely because uneducated people are far easier to brainwash!  The brainwashing is done by both the politicians themselves at their rallies and events,  and by the “social media” on the entirely unregulated internet,  which freely spouts all sorts of lies,  and even Russian (and other) propaganda!  If you don’t believe me,  go look for yourself! 

That unregulated lying mess is where most GOP voters get their “news” and their “facts”.  If you don’t believe me about that,  go ask any of them!  But that unregulated lying mess is also why they don’t believe any of the “mainstream media”,  which is you,  the responsible journalists still left in this world!  And I think you do know about that!

Political cult,  religious cult,  or some of both,  it does not matter.  All have a purpose,  and a top-of-the-list thing they want to do.  These are usually initially secret,  but they always come out.  Trump’s former advisor,  retired General Flynn,  spilled the beans in public about the Trump cult’s purpose,  some years ago during Trump’s term in the White House:  a dictatorship over the US,  with Trump at the top.  This was to start with the military being ordered to confiscate voting machines,  then re-running the election to get the outcome the Trump cult wanted.  (Updated in red 1-27-2024.)

Trump himself has made clear what his top-of-the-list priority is,  once he takes power: to kill all his opposition,  just not in those exact words.  His word is “retribution”.  But that’s what it ultimately means!  If you look at the Qanon roots of the Trump cult,  “the storm” is where they round up all who oppose them (termed “deep state”),  maybe (or maybe not) try them by a military tribunal,  not a real court,  and execute them.  That intent has not changed on the internet since 2016;  I have watched it.

Liz Cheney was,  and is,  correct:  this nation is sleepwalking its way into a dictatorship!  The GOP has absolutely no business running a multiply-indicted (and likely convicted) felon for the office of President,  or anything else!  Especially one so evidently guilty of fomenting an insurrection!  That they are running him is proof that the craven-coward politicians,  and the Trump cult members of Congress,  are together in total control of the Republican party,  which clearly is no longer a responsible entity!

All the responsible media,  NewsHour included,  should be screaming about this abomination from the rooftops!  I certainly am.



I have written articles before,  on this site about the Trump cult.  The best one is "Beware of Leader Cults",  posted 16 February 2020.  Use the navigation tool on the left to find it quickly.  All you need is the date and the title.  Click on the year,  then the month,  then the title if need be. 


Update 1-27-2024:  add another image as proof of roots.  Look at caps,  then at sign.

Update 6-6-2024:  Well,  "Teflon Don's" teflon now has at least one big hole in it:  he is now a convicted felon,  with 3 more felony trials looming!  And it's by a state court,  not federal,  so even if he becomes President again,  he cannot pardon himself of this!  He is a convicted felon who now wants to you all to re-elect him,  so he can become dictator over you.  Like he almost did before,  with the Jan. 6 insurrection he incited.

I reiterate:  the Republican Party has absolutely NO business running a convicted and multiply-indicted felon for President!  The President is supposed to be a role model for our children,  among many other things.  Donald J. Trump is NO role model of anything good!  That alone should disqualify him in the minds of all but the most brainwashed voters!  Not to mention his wannabee-dictator ambitions!

1 comment:

  1. Trump himself years ago made the same point: that GOP voters are much easier to brainwash.
