Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Thoughts on Multiple Bad Things

There’s lots of bad things going on the world,  notably in the middle east and Ukraine.  And there’s no clear “good guys vs bad guys” about the middle east,  despite so many claims otherwise on both sides.  There’s plenty of blame to go around there.  But not so much in Ukraine.

One thing has finally begun to become clear in the news reporting:  most of the death and destruction in the middle east is being done by proxy terrorist armies that are funded,  supplied,  and given marching orders by Iran.  These would include Hamas and Hezbollah,  the Houthis in Yemen,  plus some others in Iraq that have injured and killed US troops.  Here is the sense of a list of Iranian proxies that I got from the US State Department:

To this we need to add the following:  (1) the current direct Iranian attack upon Israel,  and (2) its Revolutionary Guard,  which has also directly attacked international shipping,  as well as being the private army that keeps the ruling mullahs in power in Iran.

The common thread here is Iran:  they have been ordering all this death and destruction,  and until recently,  have let their proxies do it for them.  The western nations have been striking back at the proxies,  but without any success at stopping the death and destruction,  not in about 4 decades! 

Iran itself has suffered no punishment whatsoever for doing all these evils,  mostly because the western nations do not want a general war in the middle east with Iran.  That has apparently been a policy mistake,  and needs to change.  And the mass attack upon Israel shows that the Iranians have finally been emboldened into acting directly,  instead of through their proxies,  likely precisely because they have never been punished.

Now,  don’t get me wrong:  the Iranian people are good people,  and have been our friends before,  and could be again.  They live in a sham democracy,  where the ruling mullahs can over-rule anything the elected people decide.  Those ruling mullahs are propped-up by a private army that ruthlessly suppresses dissent.  The mullahs themselves masquerade as religious leaders,  when they are in fact extremist terrorists who misuse and abuse religion to “justify” the evils they do. 

In point of fact,  there almost was a revolution in Iran about a decade ago,  but it failed for lack of outside support from us.  They had no chance against the private army (the Revolutionary Guard).

Now what Israel does is not under US control,  let that be perfectly clear!  They are a valued ally and friend in the middle east,  and one of the few democracies in the region that is not a sham democracy,  at least not yet.  And the US is sworn to help defend them when they are attacked,  that is also clear.  And we just did that,  helping to thwart the Iranian attack.

But,  the current elected government of Israel is a re-elected right-wing prime minister (Netanyahu) who this term leads a far-right coalition that is demonstrably a bit extreme.  This shows in the policies and strategies Israel has used in its Gaza war against Hamas,  that has led to incredibly-massive civilian casualties,  plus the approaching mass death-by-famine there. 

One might conclude that the overall goal here is that there be no Palestinian state,  because there are no Palestinians left to populate it.  And,  the current attack from Iran came about because (intentionally or not) the Israelis bombed an Iranian embassy in Syria. 

That being said,  Hamas is far worse!  That is a known terrorist organization that became the government in the Gaza strip,  in an armed takeover.  They give the people of Gaza just enough food to make them think that Hamas is their friend,  but then created a network of tunnels under every populated place in Gaza!  They hide behind a human shield at all opportunities,  and in fact prevented those civilians who were shielding them,  from evacuating before announced Israeli attacks!  No real government would do that,  but evil terrorists certainly would!  And did!

Now,  bear in mind another thing that must be made perfectly clear:  when you decide to attack an evildoer who hides behind a human shield,  the only way to strike him is through that shield!  There will be high civilian casualties when you do that,  it is inherent!  Using a human shield violates international law and anybody’s rules of war,  and that is exactly what the Hamas terrorists did. 

But the civilian casualties among the Palestinians in Gaza have been much higher than they needed to be,  and that’s the result of the policies of the right-wing extremist government of Israel.  So,  there really is plenty of blame to go around!  Israel needs to change-out its government,  that much is for sure!  Extremism is the true evil here;  right wing,  left wing,  makes no difference.  Both end up doing the same needless death,  destruction,  and oppression.  They both look the same to me!

 I think the wish to avoid a general war with Iran is the right thing,  but no consequences for Iran is the wrong thing! 

Here is an out-of-the-box idea:  what if Iran were to be struck,  but NOT invaded?  Struck in such a way as to enable the Iranian people to rise up and overthrow the mullahs?  The mullahs that oppress them,  and who committed all this death and destruction all these decades?  What if the strike were to attempt two things:  (1) kill most or all of the mullahs,  decapitating that government,  and (2) destroying as many combat assets as possible,  of the Revolutionary Guard?  But without any invasion at allNone!  Simply enable the people of Iran to do their own revolution.

I would predict that the terrorist proxies would slowly go away over time,  should we be successful.  They are currently funded and supplied massively by Iran,  and if Iran no longer did that,  their means to cause death and destruction would dry up. 

Iran has been supplying Putin’s Russia with weapons for its Ukraine war, too.  If that were to stop,  Ukraine would have a better chance to defend itself.  You need to understand,  Ukraine is the west’s proxy in the war against Putin’s Russia,  who will next attack NATO members in eastern Europe,  if he succeeds in Ukraine.  It was that way with Hitler in the 1930’s,  it is that way with Putin today.  History says all these dictators are pretty much alike. 

Ukraine has run short of weapons and ammunition,  which is partly stalled by the GOP in the US House of Representatives.  We’ve all seen that on the news.  They are now losing to Russia as a result. We have all seen that,  too.

If Ukraine loses,  we lose,  and thereby will eventually face World War 3 in Europe,  when an emboldened Putin tries to rebuild the old Soviet empire in eastern Europe,  out of countries now NATO members.  Plus,  that other evil dictator in China,  Xi Jinping,  will be emboldened to invade Taiwan and start World War 3 in the Pacific,  if Russia is successful in Ukraine!  So,  Ukraine cannot losePeriodEnd of issue!

One GOP representative in the US House has publicly said he has heard colleagues spouting Russian propaganda on the floor of the US House.  That propaganda is aimed at stopping aid to Ukraineso that Putin can winI submit to you that voting against Ukraine aid,  is giving aid and comfort to Putin’s Russia,  which is clearly America’s enemy here!

It says in the US Constitution that one definition of treason is “aid and comfort to the enemy”,  and the standard for conviction requires only two witnesses in court to the act.  I wish the Justice Department would do something about what looks to me,  to be an awful lot like treason,  going on in the US House!

Defeating Putin’s Russia in Ukraine might possibly lead to one other good outcome for the US and the world:  he might be overthrown!  There’s likely a lot of Putin clones waiting in the wings,  but if the Russian people can get rid of them,  they might once again set foot on the path to a not-sham democracy.  They are good folk,  and could also be our friends once again.

Update 4-29-2024:  There are two additional facets to what I just said above.  There are pro-Palestinian demonstrations disrupting US college campuses,  with elements of anti-Semitism sneaking into some of them,  and the US Congress finally passed an aid bill for Ukraine,  although it is damagingly late doing so. 

Relative to the pro-Palestinian demonstrations,  I offer these opinions: 

First:  there is a portion of these demonstrators who are sincerely disturbed about the death toll so far in Gaza,  and the much larger one that looms due to approaching famine.  So am I.  There are also some outside agitators who have infiltrated onto these campuses,  stirring up the tendency to violence,  and stirring up the anti-Semitism,  while at the same time depicting the evil terrorists that are Hamas,  as innocent.  My hunch is that these outside agitators were sent here from outfits like Hamas and Hezbollah,  acting under marching orders from Iran.  This crap is massively on social media,  too,  in an internet totally unpoliced for truth.  What did you expect?

Second:  much of the reason for these excessive civilian casualties in Gaza lies with the far-right coalition that is the current government of Israel.  That does not mean all of Israel is like that,  but enough were of similar mindset to elect them.   Israel is our ally and friend and deserves our help.  But,  maybe not a totally free hand with the aid we give them,  until Israelis see fit to replace that far-right government with something not so inclined to kill civilians needlessly.  Unlike what the demonstrators seem to think,  the US does not control Israel’s actions.  All we can do is exert what influence we can.

Relative to the Ukraine War and belated aid from Congress for our proxy Ukraine:

Senator Mitch McConnel admitted on “Face the Nation” 4-28,  that the feuding Republicans are at fault for the defeats Ukraine has been suffering lately,  by delaying aid and weapons for too many months.  I actually agree with that,  but I go further.  There are two irreconcilable factions within the party,  which have successfully paralyzed much of our government for some years now.  That chaos and paralysis is actually the intent of one of those factions:  the so-called “MAGA Republicans”.

If you investigate the sites favored by such people,  you find out that the things they apparently believe and strive for,  overlap very strongly with the Q-Anon conspiracy theory.  The most well-known items include things like the “deep state” to be overthrown,  and the claim that Trump actually won the 2020 election,  but was denied his win by massive election fraud. 

Some of the other less-well-known things are actually rather frightening.  One is “the storm”,  which is the conflict that overthrows the “deep state”,  and in which the people of the “deep state” are rounded up and eliminated.  Specifications for this purge vary from site to site,  but the sense is that the “deep state” is actually everybody who opposes them,  which is more than half the country.  THAT is who they want to get rid of!

The most frightening thing relates to the chaos and paralysis they have been causing in our government.  If our government fails to function long enough,  the people will supposedly be more open to the alternative they offer,  which is a military-supported dictatorship,  precisely per the figure above.  (Trump’s advisor General Flynn,  advocated this in public during Trump’s term as President.)  Bear in mind that the Q-Anon community evolved into a fearless leader cult about Donald Trump almost a decade ago.  He is the dictator that they offer us.

The most treasonous thing they offer (besides the overthrow of our democracy) is the extreme isolationism denying all aid and cooperation with our allies,  in a time when we face major threats from Putin’s Russia,  Xi’s China,  the mullahs’ Iran,  and Kim’s North Korea,  plus all the terrorist proxy armies run mostly by Iran.  Denying aid and weapons to our proxy Ukraine (in the war against the expansionist aims of Putin’s Russia) is the way to see Ukraine defeated and Putin winning,  also encouraging Xi to invade Taiwan.  Aiding the enemy is the treason I speak of.  World War 3 is the ultimate consequence of that treason.

You have been warned (multiple times,  in my articles here on this site).  Now I urge you to rise up and do two things:  (1) vote these traitors out of our government,  and (2) demand that the DOJ prosecute them for their treason.

Update 5-6-2024:  The pro-Palestinian protests continue,  edging across the line into doing damage and committing crimes in some cases.  I think if you follow the money,  the students are too poor to have bought all that camping equipment,  Palestinian-style headgear,  and signage.  That's where the "outside agitators" come into this.  They provided the money and supplies,  and took advantage of mob psychology to stir protests into serious misbehavior.  Psychologically,  lynch mobs work exactly the same way.

The "outside agitator" effect is also a part of what these students see on their social media,  which is unfortunately pretty much the place where today's young people get their supposed "facts" and "information".  The internet is unpoliced for any sort of truth,  which is why should it surprise no one that social media is rife with misinformation and disinformation,  much of it emplaced there by this country's multiple hostile adversaries,  to include the terrorist organization Hamas itself.  That is exactly how the anti-Semitism is getting into this unrest!  Why would you expect anything different?

That being said,  look at what Netanyahu's far-right wing Israeli government is doing.  The ceasefire negotiations were effectively sabotaged by Netanyahu insisting that he was going to attack Rafah.  While they distributed leaflets warning civilians to evacuate,  I'd bet money they will start the bombing without actually trying to move anybody out of the way!  And because Hamas was stupid enough to attack a border crossing where food comes across for the starving civilians,  Netanyahu has closed that crossing,  which pretty much guarantees that lethal famine will spread quickly.  Far-right Israelis don't care about Palestinian lives,  that much is clear.  This may well be attempted genocide,  or at least a war crime.  Which is why Israelis need to replace their government,  and soon!

Hamas has had years to build tunnels under every place in Gaza where civilians live.  The results uncovered so far verify that they did exactly that.  Netanyahu is therefore probably correct in saying Hamas is hiding underneath Rafah.  He's willing to kill the civilians in the human shield to get at Hamas,  while making no real attempt to save any of them.  That's the proof of my characterization of him and the far-right wing government he leads.

Hamas also quite clearly does not care for the civilian Palestinian lives that it supposedly represents as their government,  since it invariably uses them as a human shield,  and has done nothing for them but bare subsistence,  and even that stopped with the war following the infamous October 7 attack!  All of that would be entirely expected of a terrorist organization and terrorist proxy army,  deserving only to be wiped from the face of the Earth!  QED.

Meanwhile,  the terrorist fake mullahs that rule Iran have still suffered zero consequences for waging proxy war against Israel and the rest of the west,  with their Hamas,  Hezbollah,  and Houthis,  plus some others less well known in Iraq and Syria (that have killed US troops).  That needs to change,  or there will never be any peace in the middle east!  They've been the chief problem since shortly after taking over from the Shah. 

Some of the disinformation and misinformation that the protesting students get from social media was placed there by Putin's Russia.  I suspect Iran and China placed some there,  and I wouldn't put it past some of the proxy terrorists to have done so as well.  It is way past time to find some equitable way to stop the disinformation and misinformation that is so rampant all across the internet.  

This should also apply to radio and television.  I just haven't seen anyone in,  or running for,  Congress in the last 20-or-30 years that I consider smart enough,  and with enough honesty and integrity,  to actually do it!  Think about THAT the next time you vote!

Meanwhile,  Putin has taken full advantage of the unconscionable delays by the US and NATO at getting weapons to our proxy Ukraine in the war to thwart Putin's thirst for expansion and conquest.  The fault for that in the US (the extremist faction of the GOP misbehaving) was discussed just above,  and so far,  no one has been called to account for that!  That needs to change!  Right now!

Weapons are now finally on the way to Ukraine,  and suddenly Putin is barking threats to use nuclear weapons again!  Did nobody else notice the close timing of those two things?  His past pattern is to squawk and threaten,  whenever anybody in the west does anything that might thwart his expansionist plans.  I think we are seeing exactly that pattern again.  Which simply means massively arming Ukraine and ensuing their victory is PRECISELY the right thing to be doing!  Even if NATO has to go in there and help them!

Update 5-11-2024:  A couple of things seem to be coming to head,  with regard to the Israel-Hamas war and the protests it has sparked.  

First:  the administration has had a report done,  examining whether the Israelis violated US laws and regulations,  regarding the use of the weapons and equipment we gave them.  Meanwhile,  it has paused the delivery of 2000 lb and 500 lb bombs,  while this report was being produced.  The idea is that the US should not be complicit in any Israeli activities that the world may eventually deem to be war crimes.  This seems to me like the prudent thing for the US to do.  

The reader should note that Netanyahu and other far-right figures in Israel are quite publicly angry about the US pausing those bomb deliveries.  However,  more moderate figures in Israel are not!  Further,  there is considerable unrest and protest in Israel over the conduct of this war.  Given my assessments given above of the current Israeli government,  this outcome should surprise no one. 

The gist of the report is very critical of the Israelis for the vast number of civilian casualties they have caused in Gaza so far,  but not that our laws or regulations have actually been violated.  Dropping big bombs on a city densely full of civilians is certainly not something we in these modern times would want to do,  without making some serious effort to move them out of the way.  

All that being said,  I suspect the weapons deliveries to resume soon,  which will probably spark more protests here.

Second:  as described above,  I believe that the bulk of the actual students out protesting have been misled and stirred up by disinformation on social media,  that being the only thing they look at for their information,  or any other purposes.  That disinformation was put there by our adversaries.  The authorities would be wise to look closely into that,  and consider how best to police the internet for truth.  The free speech right in the First Amendment is NOT an absolute right:  no one is allowed to yell "fire" in a crowded theatre,  unless there really is one!  And inciting riots is a crime,  and quite properly so!

 Also as described above,  I believe that non-students have been leading these protests and supplying the money and means to do them,  especially the encampments and barricades.  Students are generally too poor to have bought all those tents,  for one thing!  The authorities would also be wise to look into that possibility.  If such outsiders are among the protesters arrested,  laws regarding incitement to riot have been violated,  along with laws about trespass and destruction of property.  If the outsiders prove to be foreigners,  deportation would also be appropriate,  but only after serving the appropriate sentences.

Update 5-20-2024:  To my surprise,  the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued {update 5-24-2024:  prosecutor has asked the International Criminal Court to issue} arrest warrants for certain top Israeli leaders and certain top Hamas leaders!  Israel,  for killing too many civilians trying to kill Hamas (deservedly so,  after Oct 7),  and Hamas,  for hiding underneath the civilian population they supposedly govern,  as their human shield,  not to mention the Oct 7th atrocity they committed. 

I doubt this actually leads anywhere,  but it certainly helps make two of my main points: (1) Hamas is a bunch of terrorists who certainly deserve to be wiped from the face of the Earth for the evils they commit,  and (2) the far right extremist government of Israel needs to be changed,  because it is killing way too many women and children while trying to kill Hamas,  and quite probably intentionally. 

My third point has yet to be addressed by anyone:  Hamas,  Hezbollah,  the Houthis in Yemen,  and several more terrorist groups,  are all proxy armies that are funded,  supplied,  and given marching orders by the terrorist fake-mullah "government" of Iran.  That government needs to fall.  And soon.

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