I get very angry with the widespread and flagrant abuse of
the words “liberal” and “conservative” for over-hyped political activity. What angers me most is how these words are
used by each side to defame the other,
with all sorts of political agenda items incorrectly implied to be part
of their definitions.
I suggest that you go look up the definitions for
yourselves, but I already know that the
most flagrant abusers will not do that.
So, here are the definitions from
my old “Random House Dictionary of the English Language, College Edition”, published in 1968 by Random House, New York,
and based upon their larger volume “Random House Dictionary of the
English Language, Unabridged
Edition”, from 1966 and 1967. (Nothing about these words has truly changed
since then.)
(Page 286) conservative: adj 1. disposed to preserve existing
conditions, institutions, etc.,
and to resist change. 2. cautious, moderate:
“a conservative estimate”. 3. traditional
in style or manner; avoiding
showiness: “a suit of conservative
cut”. 4. (cap.) of or pertaining to the
Conservative party. 5. of or pertaining
to political conservatism. 6. having the power or tendency to conserve;
preservative. 7. of or pertaining to
Conservative Judaism or Conservative Jews.
n. 8. a person who is
conservative in principles,
actions, habits, etc.
9. a member of a conservative
political party. 10. a preservative.
Definitions 1, 2, 5,
8, and 9 pertain to American
politics. Accordingly, here is a related definition:
(Page 286) conservatism:
n. 1. the disposition to preserve what
is established and to resist change.
2. the principles and practices
of political conservatives.
The sense of all that for American politics, expressed colloquially, is that a political conservative is dominated
by the idea that “if it ain’t broke,
don’t fix it”. There is nothing
wrong with that. But it isn’t a complete
philosophy, because not all traditions
do for us what we want.
(Page 772) liberal: adj 1. favorable to progress or reform, as in religious or political affairs. 2. (often cap.) noting or pertaining to a
political party advocating measures of progressive political reform. 3. of
or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies
or monarchies. 4. of, or
pertaining to, based on, or advocating liberalism. 5. favorable to or in accord with concepts of
maximum individual freedom possible,
especially as guaranteed by law and secured by governmental protection
of civil liberties. 6. favoring or
permitting freedom of action, especially
with respect to matters of personal belief or expression. 7. free
from prejudice or bigotry,
tolerant. 8. open-minded or tolerant, especially free of or not bound by
traditional or conventional ideas,
values, etc. 9. characterized by generosity and
willingness to give in large amounts. 10.
given freely or abundantly. 11. not
strict or rigorous; free; not literal.
12. of, pertaining to, or befitting a freeman. n. 13. a person of liberal principles or
views. 14. (often cap.) a member of a
liberal party in politics, especially of
the Liberal Party in Great Britain.
Definitions 1,
2, 4, 13,
and 14 pertain to American politics.
Accordingly, here is a related
(Page 772) liberalism:
n. 1. the quality or state of being liberal,
as in behavior, attitude, etc.
2. (sometimes cap.) the principles and practices of a liberal party in
politics. 3. a political or social
philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, and governmental guarantees of individual
rights and civil liberties. 4. a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes
freedom from tradition and authority in matters of belief.
The sense of all that for American politics, expressed colloquially, is that a political liberal is dominated by
the idea that “if it is broke, then do
fix it”. And there is nothing wrong with
that. But it isn’t a complete
philosophy, either, because some traditions really do work well
for us.
I submit to you all that both ideas are absolutely essential
to the good governance of our country,
at all levels. All
of us must be both liberal and conservative,
whichever need arises, and
whenever they show up.
What you really have to decide is whether something is
“broken”, meaning dysfunctional, not serving its intended purpose. If it is,
the intelligent thing to do is to be a “liberal” and fix it. If it is not,
the intelligent thing to do is to be a “conservative” and leave it
alone. It’s really just that
The key advice I have to offer is to base your decision on whether
something is “broke” on nothing but simple objective functionality. That functionality evaluation should be a
matter of demonstrable fact, not
anything political at all. To do
otherwise is a part of the madness that renders our governments so ineffective, at all levels today.
The rest of that madness derives from dividing into two
pigeon-hole categories (whose philosophies are dangerously incomplete at best), and then each side misusing the words to tar
the other.