Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Project 2025 is a Blueprint for a Dictatorship!

The following is the text of a viewer feedback email that I sent to PBS NewsHour,  CBS News,  and NBC News,  back on July 15th,  2024!  I would have sent it to ABC News as well,  except that I could find no way to email them.  This predates Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 election campaign by around a week.  Nothing about that withdrawal changes anything said here.


You do realize,  do you not,  that Project 2025 is,  in point of fact,  a blueprint for imposing a Trump dictatorship upon the United States?  That is what the far right always attempts,  everywhere in the world that it comes to power!  And the “political spectrum” is not a straight line,  but a circle leading to that dictatorship,  no matter who tries to impose it! 

It works by emplacing utter loyalists in key elected and appointed positions,  who will do whatever is asked of them by the far right leaders,  even if illegal.  This is EXACTLY how Hitler consolidated his power as Chancellor into a dictatorship,  in 1930’s Germany!  It is exactly what is in the Project 2025 plan.

And it is already underway here in the US,  and has been for some time,  just not under that name.  Example:  packing the Supreme Court with justices who will make egregiously-bad decisions just to further the far right agenda,  which actually predates the Trump presidency for its start. 

Three of the offenders were put there by Trump himself,  aided and abetted by Mitch McConnell in the Senate,  who blocked a more moderate nomination from former president Obama on a flimsy excuse that they later ignored for Trump’s nominations.  (And THAT is McConnell’s true legacy,  even worse than acquitting Trump on both impeachments!)

Another example:  Trump-appointed federal judge Aileen Cannon,  who has been granting delay,  after delay,  after delay,  for Trump in the classified documents case,  until she and his lawyers could cook-up some excuse to dismiss the case entirely.  Which of course,  she just did! 

This mishandling of classified documents case was THE slam-dunk conviction case,  of all those brought!  That dismissal is NOT justice,  but her appointment is a part of what is now the Project 2025 plan for a Trump dictatorship,  although it,  too,  predates that name!  Yet I see no one in the mainstream media howling about any of that egregious malfeasance in office!

Given that federal judges are unaccountable to the public,  because of their lifetime appointments,  the only way to redress this evil is to impeach them.  You mainstream media folks should be shouting that from the rooftops!  Why are you not?

This kind of malfeasance in office is also starting to happen with local election officials,  who were put there to refuse to certify outcomes that the far right leaders don’t like.  And they already are starting to do exactly that!

If there ever was a story worthy of obsessive coverage,  this is it!


sent to PBS newshour,  CBS evening news,  and NBC news,  Monday 7-15-2024

no reply of any kind seen,  as of 7-21-2024


See also these postings:

7-21-2024          Biden Withdraws!

7-6-2024            Obsessive Coverage Obscures the Risks to Weigh (with updates)

6-28-2024          Thoughts on the Presidential Debate

1-23-2024          Trump Cult Warning

12-10-2023       Conspiracies Have Short Lifetimes

To get there quickly,  use the archive tool left of page.  All you need is the date of posting,  and the title of the article.  Click on the year,  then the month,  then the title if need be. 


 Update 7-27-2024:  Trump,  speaking to a “conservative” Christian group,  says they need to vote this year,  and they need not vote again after that.  His words,  not mine!

Reading between the lines:  no more need to vote after he regains the White House,  because he will replace our democracy with his dictatorship.  (We will not be rid of him until he dies,  and even then there are plenty more Trump-wannabee would-be dictators waiting to take over.)

There it is:  right out of his own mouth,  if you but look past the party propaganda,  at what he actually said!


Update 7-28-2024:  Readers,  please don't get me wrong!  I detest the far left just as much as I detest the far right!  As the circle diagram above shows,  both extremes lead to dictatorship,  violence,  and death.  They always have.  Historical far left examples include the Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia,  the communists in 1949 China,  and the communists in 1959 Cuba.  (Not to mention what the Chinese communists did to Hong Kong,  and what they threaten to do with Taiwan.)  I simply see more evidence at this time of a far right threat here in the US,  and abroad (particularly in Europe),  than any sort of far left threat.


Update 8-3-2024:  Want to see what the Project 2025 plan would look like if put into action?  Look at Maduro trying to steal the election in Venezuela,  regardless of the actual vote counts.  His hand-picked minions “overseeing” the election simply proclaimed him the victor.  That is exactly what Trump attempted after 2020,  but he did not have his hand-picked minions in place to do it for him.  This is right out of the playbooks used by the Nazis in 1933 Germany,  and the Bolsheviks in 1917 Russia.  

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