This article recounting progress with Kactus Kicker models
is the latest among a series of earlier articles posted on this website. That list is as follows (the date is
highlighted on this one). Watch for an
update to this article giving links to a new website dedicated to these
Updates 7-30-15 in red below. The new website is fully operational. It has all the information, photos, and videos anyone could ever need. It is a turnkey site for selecting, customizing, and purchasing a production tool. Shipping is available, so sales of plans have been discontinued. Some additional parts and labor have been farmed out to appropriate vendors, to adjust to higher production rates, so prices posted previously are now obsolete. Go to
Update 3-1-18: the killyourcactusnow site has been shut down in favor of a new and improved site, with even better information, photos, and videos.
2-9-17....Time Lapse Proof It Works cactus being crushed and composted
New Cactus Tool Website
...................turnkey site for info, photos, videos, purchases
1-8-15……Kactus Kicker Development
prototype & 1st production article
1-8-14……Kactus Kicker: Recent Progress
a revised wheeled design (experimental)
10-12-13..Construction of the Tool
a “Kactus Kicker” (plain tool)
5-19-13…….Loading Steel Safely
and storage of materials
12-19-12…Using the Cactus Tool or Tools
the tool is employed (applies to any model)
11-1-12….About the Kactus Kicker
and rigging finished tools (plain tool)
12-28-11..Latest Production Version
………………new bigger snout and barge front (plain tool)
General Background
A little over 10 years ago,
I accidentally figured out how to permanently kill prickly pear cactus out
of farm and ranch pastures. I built
myself an experimental tool and a couple of early production prototypes, and I started building and selling these
things to people who need them. I have
done this ever since then, and steadily
improved the design of the tools.
My good friend Dave Gross of Oglesby, Texas,
was impressed enough with this tool to want to do cactus eradication for
hire as a service. He’s retired
now, but for over the decade that he did
this, we built him a series of
heavy-duty tools, to which we added
transport wheels. His “commercial” tool
became the genesis of the hydraulic tool I now offer in addition to the plain
tool. What I had to address was
supplying the same strength and utility,
but with greatly-improved producibility.
Recent History
The second article in the list above (Kactus Kicker: Recent Progress, 1-8-14) describes my work up through last
winter on an experimental wheeled prototype,
including field testing. That experimental
prototype proved to need some design changes,
beyond just the narrow stance corrected to wide stance as described in
an update to that earlier article. The
towbar option I put on it wasn’t very good,
for one thing. The wheelbarrow
wheels I used weren’t tough enough, for
But, that experience
led to a real production prototype,
which is insignificantly different from the actual production
models. I did add rain drain holes to
both (and to the production hydraulic design).
From that production prototype result,
I revised my experimental prototype to the production
configuration, except for its hydraulic
pressure rating and its wheels. Both are
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 – Experimental Prototype (near) and Production
Prototype (far) Hydraulic Tools
Figure 2 shows a close-up of the production prototype from
its right side. The longer hydraulic
snout has 3 plates instead of two as on the plain tool. On the plain tool, one is a mini-“barge front” for wedging over
obstructions, the other is the
ground-contact “slider”. On the
hydraulic tool, two slider plates are
needed, mounted at slight angles. One is for cactus-killing with the wheels
raised, the other (in the middle) is for
smooth sliding with the wheels down for transport or “stepping-over”
This prototype is fitted with the optional towbar
hitch, providing a standard trailer-ball
hook-up for faster transport across the pasture behind the tractor. This is not intended for towing while
killing cactus, because the forces are
too high, and the leading edge gap under
the tool deck is too large to efficiently break up plants. The real advantage of the towbar hitch option is being able to back the tool up, something not possible when towing only on the chain.
The hitch tongue extends by sliding, and is secured with a hitch pin in either
position. The upside-down cross-mounted
channel is a jack point, with which one
uses the hydraulic bottle jack (resting on the tool deck). This raises the trailer hitch up over the
ball for connection and disconnection. I
supply the bottle jack with the towbar option.
It outlives most crank-type trailer jacks.
towbar hitch is an option, because the tool can be transported on its
wheels sliding on the snout plate,
simply towing with the tow chain bridle.
Transport speed is a little slower this way, but still faster than towing the tool with
the wheels up. Things bounce when you
tow too fast, in any case.
Figure 2 – Close-Up of Production Prototype Showing
Hydraulic Snout and Towbar Option
Figures 3 and 4 show the production prototype hitched-up for
chain tow to kill cactus. The big
triangular tow chain bridle flips over any trailer ball or tow hook on the
drawbar assembly of any tractor. Figure
3 shows the wheels-up/tool-down-on-the-ground configuration for killing prickly
pear cactus. Like the plain tool, at the recommended tow speed of no more than
3 mph, tow loads are usually around half
a ton, for a drawbar horsepower figure
in the 10-12 HP range (8-10 for the lighter plain tool). The left side chain helps guide and support the
hydraulic hoses that extend forward to the tractor.
You can see the cross-chain that runs from one side to the
other, through the snout assembly. This cross chain helps limit pitching motions
on rough ground, but more
importantly, it forms the lift
sling. If you pull the tow chains
together over the cylinder and deck behind the snout, the two tow chains form two legs of a 3-way
sling to pick up the tool. The cross
chain forms the third leg of that 3-way sling,
holding up the snout.
One single bolt (which I supply) is all that is needed to
pin the chains together to form this lift sling. With it,
the hydraulic digging bucket (that most modern tractors have) can be used
to pick the tool up and set it anywhere you want, such as on a flatbed farm trailer.
The center chain is a safety chain, exactly like that on a trailer. It will take tow tension if your tow bridle
should break, preventing the hoses from
being damaged. The tool tows unstably
from its snout, so you will notice if
this happens. This gives you time to
stop and make a minor repair instead of a major one.
Figure 3 – Production Prototype Hitched Up for Chain
Tow, Wheels-Up for Killing Cactus
In Figure 4, the tool
has been raised by putting its wheels down.
You can see how it now rests on the center snout slider plate, instead of the aft one. That way,
the snout does not “dig into” the dirt and damage your pasture. This is what you do (1) to transport the tool
from one place to another in the pasture,
(2) to “step-over” obstructions,
or (3) to “step off of” debris bales that sometimes form underneath the
tool deck.
The “barge front” on the hydraulic tool is exactly the same
as the one on the plain tool. It will
wedge either tool over any obstructions (like outcrops or small stumps) that
are shorter in height than the barge front top edge: 6 inches max. Anything taller than that, you must go around.
You are towing on a chain with no “give” to it. If you hang up on something solid, a piece of steel somewhere is going to
break, faster than you can be aware that
it is happening. I tried to make that
the easily-fixed chain, but there can
be no guarantees about that; every
place’s hazards are different.
Figure 4 – Production Prototype Hitched-Up for Chain
Tow, Wheels-Down for “Step-Overs”
In Figure 5, the
production prototype hydraulic tool is in the foreground at my shop, and two production plain tools in the
background, tipped on edge for
storage. As can be seen by close inspection, these two versions share exactly the same
deck, crush rail, ballast bar,
and barge front. The plain tool
has a slightly-shorter two-plate snout.
You can’t really tell from the photos,
but both versions use exactly the same chain towers, skids,
and snout attachment brackets now.
I have discontinued the older brackets made of angle stock, in favor of triangular flat-plate brackets
with shear tabs. These are just as
strong, and far more producible.
Plain tools readily store tipped-up like that. You should support them for safety, with a 26 inch piece of any size angle
iron, under one of the skids. This does require a stout 6-foot prybar. It is also how you clear debris bales from
underneath the plain tool.
Figure 5 – Production Prototype Hydraulic Tool with Two
Plain Tools at My Shop
The Production Hydraulic Version
of the Tool
Actual production hydraulic tools differ very little from
production prototype pictured here. I
did change the angle slightly between the two snout slider plates, as it was “close” but not quite right on the
prototype. I have since built jigs for
assembling plain and hydraulic snouts rapidly,
and in exactly the right geometry,
every time.
The cross-over valve in the deck-mounted hydraulic plumbing
is backwards on the production prototype.
In the closed position, its
handle points forward, vulnerable to
hanging-up in low-hanging brush. In
Figure 6, you can see the production prototype
in the foreground, and the first
production hydraulic tool in the background.
The yellow valve handles point in opposite directions, as you can see. The correct installation is on the first production
article. That way, the handle points rearward with the valve
The weight of the wheels when raised, or the weight of the tool standing on its
wheels, acts to pressurize the main
hydraulic hoses. You relieve this by
opening the cross-over valve, so that the
hoses may be connected or disconnected. When
you store the tool, with the valve
open, the wheels rest freely upon the
ground behind the tool. Coil the hoses
on the deck.
Figure 6 – Hydraulic Tools:
Production Prototype (near) and First Production Article (far)
Also in Figure 6, you
can see an old cat litter bucket on the deck of the production prototype. I use this to store my bottle jack, its handle,
spare hydraulic fittings, and any
tools, out of the weather. I have taken to spray-painting these plastic
buckets to extend their useful life in this kind of service (sunlight destroys
plastics). A “cheapie” storage bucket like
this turns out to be a really handy item.
The rain drain holes do tend to get clogged with pasture
debris. One of the “tools” I keep in my
storage bucket is an old nail, perfect
for clearing those drain holes. Otherwise, rain water puddles-up on the deck behind the
barge front.
The two main hydraulic hoses are manufactured with half-inch
male pipe thread connections. My “stock”
fittings are Pioneer 4000-series quick-disconnects, but John Deere fittings are also
available (same idea as the Pioneer, but a tapered geometry instead of straight). I keep some plugged-up male
fittings in my storage bucket along with some rags or paper towels. I keep the fittings cleaned with the
towels, and the female fittings plugged
with those extra plugged-up male fittings,
as dust covers. It’s a very practical
solution. I use a universal hydraulic
oil that is compatible with both John Deere and everybody else. It takes about 3-quarts-to-a-gallon to fill a
tool and its hoses.
The hydraulic cylinder was carefully chosen, and its installation geometry carefully
designed, so that no physical stops were
needed in the hydraulic wheel assembly,
and so that any tractor hydraulic system, even antique low-pressure ones, could power the wheels.
The motion stops are the inherent stroke limits of the
cylinder itself, so the wheel assembly
sees no end-of-travel overloads, in either
direction. The cylinder stroke and wheel
structure gives me 100 degrees of wheel strut rotation. This allows a 10-degree “up-sweep” of the
raised wheels, providing much better
clearance going over rough ground and obstructions.
The maximum hydraulic pressure that this system is rated for
is 2500 psig. All the components are
good for that or slightly higher.
However, the cylinder size is
such that it will work acceptably well even at only 300 psig. My antique Farmall-H had a one-way hydraulic
system that I converted to two-way with a log-splitter valve and a return line
down the oil fill pipe. At low rpm it
operates at about 300-400 psig, and at
higher rpm near 600-800 psig. These
tools work just fine with it. I see more
influence of lower pump flow rate at low rpm than I do pressure.
Items Now Available For Sale
My son and I are currently trying to expand this cactus tool
business (the new website is now operational, and I have the outside vendors lined-up for higher production rates and deliveries). A brand new website is under
development, watch for an update, here and at the TXIDEAFARM site, for links to it. Hopefully it will be up-and-running in February
2015, but no guarantees!
Up to now, I have
sold plain tool plans for very distant customers, and also up to now I have built plain tools built speculatively. With delivery now available, I no longer offer plans at all. The greater expenses of the hydraulic tool require me to demand half the
money up front, and I build-to-specific-order
only. I have custom-shipped one plain
tool to a customer in Florida. I have built and delivered one hydraulic tool.
Plans for an older model of the plain tool will continue to be available only until the last of
the shipping issues are resolved. No plans are available for the hydraulic tool. Once shipping is resolved, I will literally be able to
ship anywhere. This will be part of the
total package pricing on the new website.
Once it is operational, I will no
longer offer any plans at all.
What I currently offer for hardware is two basic models now built with a
common chassis when they were not before (plain tool and hydraulic tool).
Prices are always subject to some change, especially so as I will have to contract-out more of the
fabrication labor, so do please check
with me for current prices, until the
new website is operational. What will be is posted there will be is current. That site is "".
Update 3-1-18: the killyourcactusnow site has been shut down in favor of a new and improved site, with even better information, photos, and videos.
Some options are available at extra cost right now. More will become available soon. The towbar hitch (only on the hydraulic tool)
is one. Adding trailer ball mounts to
tow other things behind either model is another.
An added fence at the left and right edges is a third, that helps keep items stowed on the tool deck
from rattling off when operating on rough ground; this is available on both models. We also have an option for a "real" tool box that secures to the deck, doing what the scrap cat litter bucket did, just better. Soon there will be an option for a remote-viewing camera.
The very oldest form of my plain tool predates the addition of
the “barge front” for wedging over obstructions. There are photos of these on the TXIDEAFARM
site, at least right now. I had few-to-no obstructions on my
place; however most places have outcrops
and stumps. That’s why the two standard
models today both have “barge fronts”. I no
longer offer plain tools without “barge fronts”. I have never offered any hydraulic tools
without “barge fronts”.
For a list of current offerings, which models they fit, and current prices as of this writing, see Figure 7. See "" for current prices and prices and options. The site is designed for direct on-line customization and secure purchase.
Update 3-1-18: the killyourcactusnow site has been shut down in favor of a new and improved site, with even better information, photos, and videos.
(Fig 7 deleted)
As for effectiveness,
see the earlier articles here on “exrocketman” per the article list
above, at the beginning of this article, and the write-ups on “TXIDEAFARM”. The fun photo in Figure 8 is overstated, of course.
But what I say about the effectiveness of these tools in those articles
is not!
Update with links to new website
This new website is currently still under construction. But watch for it. An update with those links will be posted
here and on “TXIDEAFARM”. Everything you
need to choose, customize, and buy a tool will be is there.
Update 6-21-15:
The new website is not quite operational yet, but will be found very soon as as". Everything you need to select and customize a tool with options will be is there. Everything you need to place an order will be is there. Even the estimates for shipping to distant locations will be are there.
Update 3-1-18: the killyourcactusnow site has been shut down in favor of a new and improved site, with even better information, photos, and videos.
My son and I anticipate higher production rates once this website goes operational. Accordingly, I am lining-up parts manufacturing vendors to make the parts for these tools, additional welders, and workers to paint and rig these tools. The job has already gotten far bigger than I alone can handle, and we anticipate bigger still. We have established a relationship with YRC (formerly Yellow Freight) to ship tools to distant customers on a routine basis.
With more outside vendors and activities, prices will be substantially higher than were quoted here until today. Freight charges are not cheap either, a couple of years ago it cost me about a $1000 to ship a plain tool to Florida. So, contact me (or consult the new website once it's "up") to get current prices.
With shipping to distant customers in place, I no longer offer plans. That was how I serviced distant customers before. (I still do rentals for folks close enough to me to come pick up a tool at my shop.)

Figure 8 – Don’t We All Wish ………