Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Public Figures Not Doing Their Jobs

I recently returned to McLennan County from a trip to Denton.  Basically,  the road surface of the interstate was quite worn,  and there was dangerous debris littered everywhere. 

The road shoulders (and in some cases the lanes themselves) were very littered with debris,  a significant portion large enough to be quite dangerous to any passenger car,  and nearly all of it tire fragments shredded up from blown tires on big-rig trucks. 

In many places,  you could not drive a half-second (around 50 feet) without seeing yet another tire fragment.  A few places had multiple fragments per yard! 


It amazes me that our state seems to have the budget funds necessary to bus or fly migrants all over the country,  and to pay National Guard troops to go to the border (when that is not a state duty).  And to build some idiotic floating wall in the Rio Grande that will get washed away,  the next flood event!  But,  it does not seem to have the money to support public safety by cleaning dangerous debris off the highways,  and keeping the roads in better repair.  Nor does it fund public education adequately,  which is really why your property taxes are so high (although they lie egregiously to you about that). 

Can’t afford to do the public’s business,  which they swore to do?  Really?

I suggest that party political agendas and personal politics are by far outweighing the public good (and even basic public safety)!  That is entirely and egregiously unacceptable!  In point of fact,  it is oath-of-office-breaking,  and that should be criminal!  And it is aggravated in a state under one-party control.  I hated one-party control decades ago under the Democrats,  and I hate it now under the Republicans.  They misbehave far worse when their power is unchecked.

These folks have been in office way too long.  My recommendation:  vote for the “other person” instead.  Why?  Because you cannot do worse than what you have,  but you might do better if you change them out!  Party is irrelevant to that choice.  Public safety and the public good are not!

For you party loyalists out there,  thinking I’m with your opposition,  think again.  I dislike both parties.  I am a fierce independent!  In fact,  I think George Washington was correct in his farewell address warning us not to go the political party route.  We did anyway,  and chaos has resulted,  now quite extreme.

The picture of big-rig truck tire debris given just below is “generic” off the web,  for a Texas highway.  It is not a picture that I took during the trip to Denton,  although I saw lots of stuff just like that on I-35.  However,  that kind of large crap will flip a compact car,  if struck at speed.   It is quite dangerous.



  1. The politicians have discovered that by just avoiding making waves, they can get paid huge amounts of money-- plus pensions-- for pretty much doing nothing. The problem isn't big government or small government-- its simple negligence on the part of the politicians both on the left and the right.

    1. I think it's negligence on the part of the voters for not throwing them out.
