Saturday, October 19, 2024

Why Vote For He Who Will Hurt You?

I found this on LinkedIn.  It’s too good not to re-post here.  While it is pointless trying to change the minds of Trump-cult believers,  perhaps there are non-Trump-cult Republicans,  and independents like me,  who might be willing to listen.

I would only add one thing that was left out of the image.  This is a man so hungry for power (and trying to stay out of jail) that he would incite an insurrection in an attempt to overthrow his own government,  in order to become a dictator-for-life.  He would do this by using martial law “to quell the violence” as the excuse.  He will do that again,  or whatever else he thinks is needed,  to become that dictator-for-life (and stay out of jail),  if given the chance!

Please do NOT vote for this person!  Do please vote,  just NOT for him!  We had enough chaos the first time around!


1 comment:

  1. Trump is just a tool for the extreme right in this country to punish liberals, Democrats, women, and minorities.

    But it was Democratic negligence that allowed this to happen, IMO. Democrats were so intimidated by the perpetually protesting adolescents on the extreme left that they failed to prioritize working people over all other demographics in the country.

    And you'll almost always get into trouble if you don't prioritize the welfare of working people first.

    That was the mistake of the Weimar Republic whose economic failures gave rise to the pro-jobs Third Reich.

    If Trump gets in and Democrats lose both the Senate and the House of Representatives-- the US could be headed rapidly towards a corrupt authoritarian regime that could be easily manipulated by Russia and China. And Democracy around the world could be in peril.
