Thursday, January 30, 2025

You Think This Chaos Is Bad?

Most people still don't believe me when I say that massive government dysfunction IS the plan!  Once dysfunctional enough,  the MAGA crowd (about half the voting population,  as we just saw),  can be induced to rise up and replace it,  imposing their alternative upon the rest of us,  in a surprise fait accompli.  With Trump as dictator/king/”whatever”,  that's their alternative. 

That is EXACTLY how Adolf Hitler went from being appointed Chancellor in a democratic government,  to being absolute Fuehrer,  in 1934 Germany.  It just takes a triggering event to set the uprising off:  an analog to the Reichstag fire (that the Nazis set,  by the way).  

This was already prematurely attempted Jan 6, 2021,  as a last-ditch resort by Trump to stay in power past the end of his term.  It might have even succeeded if he had been able to get to the Capitol to lead it the rest of the way.  But his secret service agents refused,  and took him back to the White House,  where he fussed and fumed for about 3 hours watching the coup attempt fizzle out on TV before he did anything to calm things back down.  It fizzled out because he wasn’t there to inspire it into even more violence,  actually killing all they could find who opposed him.  That level of violence would have justified a martial law declaration,  and thus kept him in power past the Jan. 20 handover date.

Nobody wants to believe me when I tell them that the MAGA crowd’s “deep state" that they want to overthrow,  is not what they were told (which is basically all the non-MAGA people and institutions),  but actually really is Trump and his billionaire cronies and giant corporate allies.  There were photos of most of them all together just the other day,  about the same time as Biden so belatedly warned us about "the encroaching oligopoly".  That WAS the oligopoly in the photos!  “Oligopoly”,  “deep state”,  those are just different words for exactly the same thing.  The photo here is of only some of them:

Doing what you accuse others of,  is EXACTLY out of the playbook Adolf Hitler (and so many others) have used.  The accusations about a deep state specific to MAGA Republicanism/Q-Anon conspiracy theory actually started in 2015,  when Trump first began to run for president and the Q-Anon crowd embraced him.  I knew what he was then:  he did not want to be president,  he wanted to be king/dictator/”whatever”.  I tried to tell that to everyone around me back then,  but nobody wanted to believe me. 

Nobody wants to believe me now,  when I tell them that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was not weaponized,  until Trump weaponized it in the last few days,  with his Attorney General pick and his executive orders for the firing of so many DOJ employees.  (That's part of what most of the rest of the incompetent cabinet picks are for,  too:  both weaponization and massive government dysfunction.)  And when he was president the first time,  he already did it to the Supreme Court (and several federal judgeships) with McConnell's bumbling partisan support.  

Once Trump consolidates his power as the dictator of the US,  he will damage our NATO alliance and hand Ukraine “on a platter” to Putin.  China will make its move on Taiwan when it sees Putin successful in Ukraine.  That will slowly start World War 3 with both Russia and China.  That war will go nuclear,  so “you ain’t seen nothing yet”,  as far as chaos goes!

However,  the roots of this disaster date back much earlier,  to the aftermath of Bill Clinton's first election in 1992,  when 4 Republican leaders were in a bar crying in their drinks,  and hatched the plot to turn the Republican party into the "party of no",  meaning opposition above all,  even if it damages the public good.  They were Newt Gingrich,  Paul Ryan,  and 2 others whose names I can no longer recall.  Then-brand-new Fox News picked up on this and joined in,  as a far-right-wing propaganda organ.  And a sarcastic “thank you very much Rupert Murdoch”,  for bringing infamous British tabloid “journalism” to America,  to masquerade as real news! 

The name used then was the "Republican contract with America",  which turned out to be a fraud,  just as Bernie Sanders claimed,  but few believed him back then either.  The name "party of no" actually came into wide usage some years later,  after the election of Barack Obama.  But make no mistake,  the "contract with America" was just a cover for (1) gaining power by fraud,  and (2) by being the "party of no" whenever and wherever they were not in power.  

Republican politicians go along with this travesty,  because that is what their voters have been brainwashed to want.  And THAT is really why Congress has been so dysfunctional,  for so many decades now!  And we have seen that pattern continue,  until Trump came down that escalator in 2015 and turned it into an overt dictatorship movement,  hiding right in plain sight!

If you listen to what politicians say,  you will never see the pattern,  which is why most of you did not,  and still do not,  believe me.

You must only pay attention to what politicians actually do,  which is how I slowly came to see this pattern for what it really is,  more than a decade ago.


If you want to see the predictions I made for Trump’s second term,  which are actually starting to come true,  then either scroll down or use the archive tool on the left to find “Trump Again?”,  posted 11 November 2024.  The MAGA/Q-Anon movement about Trump is actually a dangerous fearless leader cult.   Political,  religious,  or some of both,  those cults are always very bad.  If you want to understand such cults,  and understand why I think there is one around Trump,  see “Trump Cult Warning”,  posted 23 January 2024. 

All you need,  in order to use the archive tool,  is the article’s posting date and its title.  Click on the year,  then on the month,  finally on the title if need be (such as multiple postings that month). 

Update 2-6-2025:  It’s now not just DOJ employees,  but all federal employees,  that are being intimidated by a this-or-that “buyout deal” with a deadline!  This is to induce them to resign en masse,  so that their agencies all become dysfunctional without anybody remaining to actually do their jobs.  Some judges have temporarily delayed this,  but too many similar judges were appointed specifically because they would go along with it! 

That outcome is in turn to “justify” replacing our “dysfunctional” federal government and our Constitution,  with a Trump (or Trump-wannabee) dictatorship.  We’ve seen this “movie” before,  in Nazi Germany,  Fascist Italy,  and Bolshevik Russia.  Not to mention Communist China.

Meanwhile,  the Senate still refuses to do its sworn job to make sure that nominees for important appointed positions are not just competent,  but are actually qualified for that specific job.  Most Trump nominees have been neither,  and yet have either been confirmed anyway,  or else sent to the Senate floor for a confirmation vote,  just to give Trump what he wanted!  Why?  Because of threats regarding each of their re-elections (“primarying”).  How craven is that?

And then there is the encroaching oligopoly of billionaires allied to this new government-in-waiting-to-become-a-dictatorship in hopes of more profit.  The most egregious is Elon Musk and his so-called Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).  He has been operating way outside of the norms,  legalities,  and limitations of any cabinet officer we have ever seen in our prior history!  And yet the Senate has had zero (ZERO!) say in his “appointment”!  And I have seen NO sign they are willing to stand up to this slow-motion coup! 

And then there is the already-accomplished dismantling of USAID,  which was a huge part of our “soft power”,  which with our military power,  helped advance our interests worldwide.  Our enemies are demonstrably overjoyed to see it gone!  How is that not “aid and comfort to the enemy”,  in any conceivable scenario or sense?  Which makes it treason,  per our Constitution! 

The majority of you voted for this,  although that is NOT what you were told what you were voting for!  You were told this lie by internet and social media sources that are entirely unpoliced for telling the truth,  and who are infamous for their lies-for-profit.

And there is the listing of all FBI agents who participated in investigating the Jan. 6,  2021,  insurrection cases,  which resulted in a 100% conviction rate for those so charged.  The whole agency has been demoralized by this obvious political retribution for dealing with very evident insurrection.  They are our primary defense against both terrorists and criminals,  including the treachery of that insurrection. 

You should believe nothing out of any politicians’ mouths (or any social media),  you should believe only in what they actually do!  And what is going here is that the majority of these politicians are aiding in implementing a slow-motion coup to overturn the government of the United States,  and replace it with a dictatorship,  in which they might serve and profit!   

Because that overthrow is exactly what our enemies want,  that constitutes Constitution-defined treason of the “aid and comfort to the enemy” type!  There cannot be any doubt about that!  Go read it for yourself!  It says only “enemies”,  not “nations we are at war with”.  And it says “aid and comfort to the enemy”,  and “waging war against the United States”,  as the only two definitions so recognized.  We need no lawyers or judges to “interpret” that,  it was written in plain English,  not legalese.  Go read it for yourself!

But because the executive,  legislative,  and judicial branches of your government are already dominated by these miscreants,  and those they have intimidated into going along with them,  you are losing your democratic freedoms,  and it may already be too late to correct any of this!!!

You have been warned,  yet again,  by me!  You did this to yourself,  in the 2024 election! Because you believed the lies. 

You are about to have to live under the dictates of far-right extremists who prefer to befriend autocrats,  gigantic corporations who demonstrably care nothing about ordinary people,  racists in the worse sense of that word,  misogynists in the worst sense of that word,  and “Christian” nationalists (who are anything but Christian,  in any sense of that word,  whatsoever). 

If you like that prospect,  then enjoy.  I do not!  And I will not submit! 

The oath that I swore entering the Navy as a youngster had no expiration date (and very similar oaths are sworn by all federal office holders).  I feel as bound by it today,  as I was then.  I will fight this dictatorship in any way that I can,  despite my advanced age!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Initial Study for Tug Missions LEO to LLO

Previous studies (References 1 and 2) explored the use of reusable space tug-assist for interplanetary departures and arrivals.  For this purpose,  an extended elliptic orbit was used for its high perigee speed very near escape speed.  The tug provides the big speed increase to just below escape,  staying in the ellipse for recovery back to low orbit.  The interplanetary craft only has to supply that smaller speed increase from just below escape to above,  for hyperbolic departure.

Lunar trajectories are different,  there being no hyperbolic-escape departure (or arrival).  An extended ellipse will take a craft to the moon’s vicinity,  where the 3-body effects of Earth,  moon and craft,  will warp the trajectory into a figure-8 low-altitude flyby of the moon,  and automatic return to Earth’s vicinity.  This was the lunar transfer trajectory used for the Apollo moon missions. 

There is only a modest speed change required,  behind the moon (as viewed from Earth),  to enter a retrograde low lunar orbit,  or to leave it for return to Earth.    Something representative of the velocity requirements analysis,  for such a lunar mission,  is given in Figure 1 below.  (All figures are located at the end of this article.)  Values were obtained using the 2-body analysis of my “orbit basics.xlsx” spreadsheet tool,  which simply automates the standard textbook equations in a convenient way. 

The question explored in this article is whether a reusable space tug with chemical propulsion could transport dead-head “payload” items from low circular Earth orbit (LEO) to low circular lunar orbit (LLO),  and then return unladen to LEO,  without refueling.  This question was explored with modest-technology storable propellants,  modest-technology oxygen-methane (LOX-LCH4),  and modest-technology oxygen-hydrogen (LOX-LH2),  plus some crude but representative assumptions for inert fractions.  The storables examined were specifically nitrogen tetroxide (NTO) and monomethyl hydrazine (MMH). 

A Tug Using Storables is Probably Feasible,  But Not Very Attractive

We would like to use storables to avoid the evaporation losses and evaporation mitigations that are inherent with cryogenics.  Only a thin insulation with a reflective foil outer layer is required to avoid solar heating,  plus small in-tank heaters to prevent freezing,  when shaded in space.

The engine needs to be turbopumped,  to achieve significant final chamber pressure without needing high-pressure tankage.  This would be more like the old liquid-propellant Titan missiles than any modern pressure-fed thruster systems.  I picked a nominal chamber pressure of 2000 psia (136.1 std atm,  137.9 bar),  with a nozzle expansion sized to an arbitrary 50:1 mild vacuum area ratio,  on a nominal 18-8 degree curved bell shape.  The nozzle kinetic energy efficiency and throat discharge coefficients that I used are pretty standard.   Engine thrust/(Earth) weight ratio was simply presumed to be about 70.

The turbopump drive cycle is unspecified,  but is presumed to involve a dumped massflow fraction of 5% of the propellants drawn from tankage.  Nominal as-sized vacuum thrust for the reference engine was 22,050 lb (10 metric tons-force) on an exit area of 293.4 square inches (0.1893 square meters),  which can be rescaled to a more appropriate thrust level,  as needed.  Vacuum specific impulse at full thrust was near 322 sec,  as indicated in Figure 2 below.  Values were computed from standard compressible flow analysis,  and models for characteristic velocity (c*) and oxidizer/fuel mass ratio (r),  using my “liquid rockets.xlsx” spreadsheet worksheet “r noz alt”,  that automates the standard textbook equations in a very convenient way.  The propellant data I used for c* and r came from Reference 3. 

A tug vehicle was rough-sized using the estimated engine performance,  these velocity requirements,  and a presumed as-built-and-loaded inert mass fraction of 5%,  typical of many upper stages today.  The calculation was a rough size-out followed by two linked rocket equation analyses:  all the laden burns combined in the first one,  followed by all the unladen burns combined in the second one.  The user sets the as-built propellant mass fraction iteratively,  until he can just barely accomplish the mission,  with a positive value of “propellant remaining” that is close to zero. This was done in a convenient spreadsheet file “space tug stuff.xlsx”,  specifically the worksheet “scrtch size”. 

These rocket equation calculations lead to start and stop vehicle masses for each set of burns,  to which input min and max vehicle acceleration limits can be applied to determine min and max limits on thrust values.  The user has to look at those,  and decide how many engines of what actual design thrust level are needed,  and how many engines to actively burn laden,  and unladen.  That sets the actual applied thrusts,  and the actual resulting vehicle gees.  The worksheet rescales from the input value of reference thrust to this design thrust per engine that is needed.

There are inputs for the masses of the guidance and control unit,  and the electric power source for it,  as part of an inert mass buildup calculation (the tug is unmanned).  The final propellant mass determines a mass estimate of the empty tank inert mass,  using an R-ratio input representing propellant mass divided by filled tank mass.  The final design thrust level per engine,  and number of engines,  determines the total engine inert mass by means of the thrust/weight ratio input.  The sum of these inert masses is an estimate of the vehicle inert mass,  to be compared with the inert mass figured from the 5% assumption in the rocket equation calculations.  Inert mass is not automatically converged,  however!  Even so, if the two estimates are close,  that is “good enough”.

The results obtained for the storable-propellant tug sizing are given in Figure 3 below.   While such a design is possible,  the payload mass fraction is quite low,  at somewhere near only 2%.  That means a very large tug vehicle,  to be kept supplied on-orbit with very large quantities of the NTO-MMH propellants,  must be used to transport even modest payloads to LLO this way.  The full-load propellant/payload mass ratio is over 42:1! 

That outcome is quite unattractive,  because of the bad logistics the propellant/payload ratio implies.  Anything we could do to push the state of the art of the engines would help,  but not by all that much,  because we are inherently playing in the wrong ballpark:  our effective exhaust velocity relative to the magnitude of the velocity requirements,  is simply far too low.

A Tug Using LOX-LCH4 is Quite Feasible,  But Still Less Than Attractive

A similar engine-sizing analysis was performed with the same engine sizing spreadsheet,  just using propellant data for LOX-LCH4.  This was also for a modest-technology design,  not one pushing the state-of-the-art so hard as the SpaceX Raptor engines do!  This is a 3000 psia (204.1 std atm,  206.8 bar) chamber pressure,  with a presumed 5% bleed fraction representing its cycle.  Its nozzle expansion was sized to permit test-firing in the open air at sea level,  operating at full thrust,  but on the verge of separating in the nozzle.  That produced an area ratio of about 65 in its 18-8 degree curved bell.  The re-scalable reference engine sized vacuum thrust was 22,050 lb (10 metric tons-force),  at an exit area of 252.0 square inches (0.1626 square meters),  operating at a vacuum specific impulse of about 349 sec.  This is illustrated in Figure 4 below. 

I should have revised the tank R ratio downward a little,  to reflect the need for extra insulation and header tank construction approaches because of the cryogenics,  but I did not.  As-sized at an as-built 5% inert,  the LOX-LCH4 tug vehicle sized with a substantially-higher payload fraction of about 7%,  as shown in Figure 5 below.  This is a marked improvement over the storables tug,  but is still only a single-digit payload percentage.  This is definitely technically feasible to do,  but the logistics of propellant supply are still rather unattractive,  when considering any significant payload mass.  The propellant/payload mass ratio is still rather high at just over 12:1!

A Tug Using LOX-LH2 is Quite Feasible,  But Also Becoming Much More Attractive

I did not do an arbitrary spreadsheet engine sizing for the LOX-LH2 case.  Instead I used the actual data for the RL-10C-1-1 engine as “representative” of a modest-technology design,  as this basic engine series has a history going back over 60 years now.  It is an expander cycle with no dumped bleed,  and a 57:1 thrust/weight ratio.  Vacuum Isp is 453 sec.  I got this data from Reference 4.

I took this data and went straight to the tug vehicle sizing spreadsheet,  shown in Figure 6 below.  Instead of the arbitrary 1-ton payload resize,  I resized the payload to 12 metric tons,  so that the listed vacuum thrust of the RL-10 engines,  at 3 engines total,  3 active laden,  1 active unladen,  would provide the desired gees within the kinematic limits for both sets of burns. 

The results proved to be very-significantly better,  with a payload fraction of over 21%,  and a propellant/payload mass ratio of only about 3.4!  With numbers in this range,  the on-orbit propellant supply logistics for the tug vehicle become much more attractive.  There are more high-technology engines available (such as the RS-25 series),  which would improve things somewhat further still. 

For massive improvement,  there might be nuclear thermal,  using hydrogen only,  but also with the risks involved in routinely using reactors in LEO and near-Earth space.   The inherently higher inert fractions associated with low engine thrust/weight,  will offset some of the higher Isp advantage of nuclear thermal,  though.

Discussion of Results and Conclusions

Despite the crudity of this study,  the clear winner (by far) is LOX-LH2.  See Figure 7 below. 

But with those cryogenics,  there are some severe design constraints not modeled in this study!  Those include thicker insulation on the tank exteriors,  and a header-tank design approach.  With LOX-LCH4,  SpaceX has shown that a simple single-membrane inter-tank bulkhead can be used between the main hydrogen and oxygen tanks.  This is because the LOX and LCH4 temperatures are just not that far apart.

However,  the experiences with the Centaur stage and LOX-LH2 show that only hours of stage life can be obtained,  even with a common bulkhead composed of a double membrane with insulation between them.  The “hotter” LOX just bleeds too much heat into the very much colder LH2!  The tug missions are multiple days long,  not hours,  so a common bulkhead is just not very feasible. 

The external insulation can still be fairly modest,  if internal header-tank construction is used,  enabled by the fact that the first set of burns occurs laden,  and uses the largest propellant mass.  If the header is inside the main tank,  it can use the empty main tank as part of its insulation scheme!  That is the way to get the mission-required days of stage life,  without resorting to active cooling! 


#1. G. W. Johnson,  “Tug-Assisted Arrivals and Departures”,  posted 12-1-2024,  to the “exrocketman” blog site

#2. G. W. Johnson,  “Elliptic Capture”,  posted 10-1-2024,  to the “exrocketman” blog site

#3. Pratt & Whitney Aircraft,  “Aeronautical Vest-Pocket Handbook,  12th Edition,  21st printing,  December 1969.

#4.  Wikipedia article “RL10”,  last updated 24 November 2024,  article retrieved 4 December 2024.


Figure 1 – Velocity Requirements Analysis for Tug Missions LEO to LLO

Figure 2 – Arbitrary Modest-Technology Storables Engine 

Figure 3 – Initial Scaleable Rough Size:  Storables Tug

Figure 4 -- Arbitrary Modest-Technology LOX-Methane Engine

Figure 5 -- Initial Scaleable Rough Size:  LOX-Methane Tug

Figure 6 – Initial Scaleable Rough Size:  LOX-Hydrogen Tug Based on RL-10C-1-1

Figure 7 – Overall Comparison,  With Rescaling to a Common Payload Mass

Update 1-27-2025For completeness,  I looked up some Wikipedia data about the old NERVA nuclear thermal engine that used liquid hydrogen,  and made a judgement about what characteristics the flight-adapted form of the test article might have.   The test article itself was very heavy at about 40,000 lb;  a flight design should be much lighter,  maybe near thrust/weight 4. 

I chose an arbitrary payload mass of 50 metric tons,  so that 3 NERVA engines would serve,  with 3 active laden,  and 1 active unladen,  and meet the kinematic gee requirements,  at the estimated per-engine thrust of about 25 metric tons-force per engine for the NERVA design. 

I reset the stage inert fraction input to make the inert mass from the buildup calculation about equal to the inert mass estimated with the input fraction.  That happened at about 15% loaded stage inert,  reflecting the low expected thrust/weight ratio for these engines.  I also lowered the tank R value a bit,  to 0.95,  to better reflect the necessary constructions.    

This resulted in a stage payload fraction of about 31-32%,  and a propellant/payload ratio of about 1.6 to 1.7.  The image of the “scrtch size” worksheet is given in Figure 8.  The logistics of supplying this vehicle would be about twice as attractive as the LOX-LH2 chemical tug,  if the technical and political risks of operating active reactors near Earth can be adequately addressed.

The tankage would need external insulation plus the internal header tank approach for several days of stage life.  A real design would do the rendezvous burns with an added chemical engine and tank system,  not the nuclear engines.  But the point here was not complete design accuracy,  but just exploring feasibility and relative merit in a realistic way.  Garbage-in,  garbage-out applies here!

Figure 8 – Results For a NERVA-powered Lunar Tug

Thursday, January 2, 2025

SpaceX’s ‘Starship’ As a Space Tug

This article examines the potential capability of “Starship” to be a space tug for the elliptic orbit departure and arrival processes.  It is merely a first ballpark look,  I would need more precise data for the orbital mechanics,  and for the vehicle weight statement and engine performances,  to obtain more reliable detail.  But these results are “good enough” to show considerable promise!

The notion of space tug assist to reduce the delta-vee (dV) requirements on interplanetary craft for hyperbolic departure from,  and arrival to,  Earth have been discussed in more detail in references 1 and 2.  Some educated guesses for the “Starship” weight statement and engine performances are given in references 3 and 4. 

Presumed Input Data Values

For purposes of this preliminary look,  it is the tug,  not the unspecified interplanetary craft,  that is the focus.  The following data were assumed about the trajectories:  a very extended elliptic departure and arrival orbit,  with perigee altitude same as low circular orbit at about 300 km,  a periapsis speed of about 10.9 km/s,  which is very near Earth escape at that altitude,  and roughly a 9-day period.  Circular orbit is presumed to be 7.8 km/s at 300 km,  with a 90 minute period.  That makes the dV requirement from one orbit to the other just about 3.1 km/s,  and I simply “budgeted” 0.2 km/s dV for any rendezvous and docking requirements.

This is what I assumed about “Starship” for the purposes of this study:  inert (dry) mass 120 metric tons,  maximum-capacity propellant load 1200 metric tons,  and the flaps and heat shield left in place,  pretty much as with the prototypes that are test-flying now.  It flies with 6 Raptor-2 engines,  3 the sea level form,  and 3 the vacuum form.  For the sea level engines in vacuum,  I presumed 230 metric tons-force thrust and 355 sec Isp.  For the vacuum engines,  I presumed 250 metric tons-force thrust and 379 sec Isp.  I presumed a max turndown ratio of 4 for both variants.

Departure and Arrival Missions

The departure mission differs from the arrival mission,  both in dV requirements and in the events sequence.  It is presumed that both vehicle assembly and refueling take place at an unspecified facility located in low Earth orbit (LEO),  to which the tug returns after assisting departures,  and with the interplanetary craft after assisting arrivals.  Reaching such a facility from the Earth’s surface is easiest,  if it is located in LEO at low inclination launching eastward. 

At departure,  the tug is already coupled to the interplanetary craft,  so there is only the dV onto the ellipse,  followed immediately by undocking and the interplanetary craft firing its engines to reach hyperbolic speed.  The unladen tug must then coast once about the extended ellipse,  and then finally supply the dV’s for return to circular at the proper time-of-perigee, and for rendezvous and docking with the unspecified facility there.

For arrivals,  the unladen tug must supply the dV’s for entry onto the ellipse at the proper ellipse perigee time,  plus a rendezvous and docking budget for coupling to the interplanetary craft,  which had already supplied the dV to enter that ellipse from its hyperbolic approach.  The docked pair coast about the ellipse.  Then the laden tug must supply the dV’s for getting from the ellipse back to circular,  plus a rendezvous and docking budget for returning to the unspecified facility.

Methods of Computation

I did this with a spreadsheet,  embodying both rocket equation calculations and a look at vehicle thrust/weight ratio for in-space accelerations.  I simply presumed vehicle accelerations outside the range of 0.2 to 4 gees as “unacceptable”.  These are nothing but by-hand pencil-and-paper-type calculations,  just automated for easy iteration with the spreadsheet. 

The “first cut” single rocket equation calculation provided performance data and a plot showing gross dV capability and accelerations for variable “payload masses” representing the unspecified interplanetary craft,  and various selections of which engines are operating.  Those results are given in Figure 1 below.   This is very unrealistic as a tug estimate,  because the tug’s weight statements are vastly different laden versus unladen,  but it does help to determine how many engines to use for acceptable accelerations,  for various “payload” masses,  including none.

When the weight statement does not change between burns,  one may sum dV’s to a single overall dV requirement (or not,  as desired).  When the weight statement does change,  there must be a separate rocket equation calculation for each weight statement,  and these calculations are linked by those weight statements,  with the linkages consistent with the order in which burns are made.  I chose to represent every tug burn,  3 for the departure mission,  and 4 for the arrival mission. 

The missions portion of the spreadsheet was set up for arbitrary payload mass inputs,  different for each mission,  with the option to reduce propellant mass if excess dV resulted.  I used this to find the max payload masses for each mission,  flown at full propellant load.  Reduce the “payload” mass,  and you may reduce the propellant load.  However,  I did not explore that issue,  having no information at all about the unspecified interplanetary craft that is the “payload” here.

Bear in mind that this is the first time I set up a tug mission spreadsheet.  It may get revised as it gets used.  But it is general enough to investigate other possible tug designs,  just using different inputs for vehicle characteristics.  An image of this initial spreadsheet is given as Figure 2 below.

Discussion of Differing Mission Results

First,  I used the vehicle characteristics more-or-less representing the “Starship” prototypes being test flown as of this writing.  Those masses include the heat shield and the aerodynamic control flaps.  This allows the vehicle to return for repair and refurbishment,  after “something” wears out from repeated use,  presumably engines. 

Second,  the mass of the unspecified interplanetary craft is much larger at departure than at arrival.  This is not as adverse a result as it might seem.  Any interplanetary craft departing Earth will have a full load of propellants and any other items for its mission,  and this will inherently be heavier.  On arrival back at Earth,  it will be essentially depleted of propellants and presumably unloaded of some mission-related things,  and so will inherently be much lighter.  That more-or-less matches tug capability.

Third,  for departure tug missions,  the docked pair departs at fully-loaded mass,  and the larger mass ratio associated with the dV = 3.1 km/s burn onto the ellipse then reduces that larger mass considerably.  There is no rendezvous and docking to worry about in this phase of the mission.  The tug undocks from the interplanetary craft,  and then coasts around the extended ellipse once,  firing unladen for a dV = 3.3 km/s to cover both getting back to circular and rendezvous and docking with the unspecified orbital facility.  That mass ratio applies to a much smaller unladen mass,  which is why the propellant quantities are so small.  And THAT “laden-then-unladen” burn sequence is also the “magic” of booster flyback recoveries for the Falcon and Starship systems! It does NOT work that advantageously,  for the “unladen-then-laden” burn sequence.

Fourth,  for arrival tug missions,  the tug departs unladen from the unspecified orbital facility,  and must burn for a dV = 3.3 km/s to cover getting onto the ellipse and rendezvous and docking with the unspecified interplanetary craft.  That mass ratio applies to a smaller but still-large mass at ignition,  using a lot of propellant.  Then it gains considerable “payload” mass after docking,  and must still supply dV = 3.3 km/s to cover getting back to circular,  plus rendezvous and docking with the unspecified orbital facility,  while laden.  That is another large mass ratio reducing the burnout mass,  which is now required to be much larger,  being laden.  And THAT unfavorable reverse of the booster flyback “magic” is what limits the size of the arrival payload mass!


First,  “Starship” as currently flown is a very large vehicle,  and so has a very large “payload” capacity if used as a departure scenario tug assisting any unspecified departing interplanetary craft.  These preliminary numbers as reported in the first figure say the size of that “payload” is almost but not quite 500 metric tons!  The arrival “payload” capability is much smaller at 175 metric tons,  but still quite considerable. 

Second,  crudely speaking,  this scales up or down with the tug stage-only mass at its ignition:  that being the inert mass plus the propellant mass.  We are presuming all the “payload” mass is the unspecified interplanetary craft,  and none is inside the “Starship” cargo bay itself.  Other stages or vehicles,  fitted with the right controls and some sort of on-orbit refueling plumbing,  could also serve this tug function,  and still be recovered for refueling and reuse.  Such might include the second stages of the Falcons,  the SLS upper stage,  the Vulcan second stage which is an upgraded Centaur,  and so on.  There many possibilities.

Third,  that being the case,  it should not be very difficult to develop multiple space tug designs out of these various upper stages.  The hardest part will be setting up a space station facility in LEO that functions as both an assembly facility,  and a propellant refill depot facility!   And THAT is the most important result here!  We will need that LEO-based facility to support any space tug-assist for any interplanetary craft.  That is the real gateway to less-expensive interplanetary travel,  not some hard-to-reach space station around the moon!  References 1 and 2 prove this conclusively.

Fourth,  such would also support lunar missions,  as well,  since the extended ellipse could apogee right near the moon’s orbit about the Earth.  It is the 3-body effects when the moon is there at craft apogee,  that then turn this into a figure-8 lunar transfer trajectory.


#1. G. W. Johnson,  “Tug-Assisted Arrivals and Departures”,  posted to “exrocketman” 12-1-2024.

#2. G. W. Johnson,  “Elliptic Capture”,  posted to “exrocketman” 10-1-2024.

#3. G. W. Johnson,  “Rocket Engine Calculations”,  posted to “exrocketman” 10-1-2022.

#4. G. W. Johnson,  “Reverse-Engineering Starship/Superheavy 2021”,  posted to “exrocketman” 3-9-2021.

Use the archive tool on the left side of this “exrocketman” page to quickly reach any of these references (or any other article posted here).  All you need is the date of posting and the title.  Click on the year,  then the month,  and then the title if more than one article was posted that month.  This is far easier than scrolling down.


Update 1-4-2025: added plot axis titles to the Figure 3 data plot made for Centaur-V as a tug.  You may click on any figure to see them all enlarged.  There is an X-out tab top right of that view,  which takes you right back to this article.  

Figure 1 – Spreadsheet Results For Both Gross-Overall And Specific Mission Capabilities

Figure 2 – Image of the Initial Form of the Tug Spreadsheet Set Up for “Starship”

Update (also) 1-2-2025:

I have started looking at other stages for possible tug use,  notably the Centaur,  which uses higher-energy LOX-LH2 propellants.  The Common Centaur stage design uses a common bulkhead between the LOX and LH2 tanks,  and single-wall thin stainless steel tank walls that gain their strength from internal pressure by the “balloon effect”.  The inter-tank bulkhead is two stainless-steel membranes separated by some fiberglass hex as insulation,  to keep the warmer LOX from heating the colder LH2 too rapidly.  Even so,  the useful stage lifetime is only “hours long”,  limited by heating of the hydrogen by the warmer oxygen,  leading to tank overpressure failure. 

Centaur-III is the 3.05 m diameter form used on Atlas-V,  which only uses two RL-10 engines when lofting the Boeing CST-100 “Starliner”.  The other applications are all one-engine,  presumably underlying the data I found.  The tank wall is 300-series stainless steel 0.020 inches (0.51 mm) thick. 

Centaur-V has a larger hydrogen tank diameter,  and comes in only the two-engine form,  for use on the new Vulcan launcher.  Centaur-V initially has only about 40% longer stage lifetime,  but it is said that it will eventually have a few hundred percent longer lifetime,  for much longer missions.

Centaur-III/Common Centaur simply does not have the stage lifetime needed to serve as a tug on ellipses with multi-day periods!  Eventually,  if the expected longer stage lifetimes turn out to be true,  Centaur-V could serve as a tug!  Tug duty could involve stage lifetimes in the range of 10-days to 2 weeks,  before intervention is required to address hydrogen boiloff and overpressure risks. 

I can only estimate,  based on the “balloon pressure” approximation,  that total applied thrust equals the “PA-kick load” associated with the tank pressure.  Thus,  the minimum operating tank pressure for the 1-engine Common Centaur stage would be P = Ftot/Atank = 22,300 lb/11,310 in2 = 2 psia min.  For the 2-engine form,  that would be 4 psia min.  The ideal tank failure hoop stress would the ultimate tensile strength of 300-series stainless steel per Mil Handbook 5,  which is about 95 ksi.  The corresponding failure tank pressure is P = 2 s t/D = 31-32 psi.  However,  it is rendered unusable by yielding,  before reaching that value.  This would actually be a bit lower for the larger-diameter Centaur-V,  nearer 20 psia.

Without an accurate empty mass for Centaur-V,  I cannot run reliable tug performance estimates for it!  A “wild educated guess” for the Centaur-V empty mass might be near 3200-3300 kg,  based on a guess for the change in tank mass,  based on propellant masses,  using “97% propellant”.

I ran these numbers as a rough cut for what a “long stage life” Centaur-V might be able to do as a space tug for these elliptic arrival and departure missions,  using an educated guess of 3.25 metric tons for the empty stage mass.  The results are depicted in Figure 3,  using the same spreadsheet as was used to investigate “Starship” as a tug.  I just copied the “Starship” worksheet to another worksheet,  and then changed all the input numbers,  and finally re-iterated for max payload. 

Unladen burns used only one of the two RL-10 engines on the Centaur-V stage to limit vehicle gees. The results look good,  except that the unladen burns for the departure mission were around 6 gees.  It would probably be required to reduce from full thrust for that mission.  That may reduce specific impulse a little,  which would in turn reduce max payload a little. 

Errors in the assumed stage empty mass subtract directly from max payload capability on the tug missions.

Figure 3 – Results for Centaur-V As a Possible Tug (updated with axis titles 1-4-25)

Conclusion to this Update:

It would be fairly easy to install those changes needed to use Centaur-V as a tug to assist interplanetary departures and arrivals,  based from the unspecified facility in LEO.  The hardest part would be achieving the necessary 2-week “stage life” to support extended ellipses to a 10 day period.  The biggest uncertainty is the longer service life necessary for doing these missions routinely.  The RL-10 engines were not intended to be “permanently” re-startable.