Thursday, January 30, 2025

You Think This Chaos Is Bad?

Most people still don't believe me when I say that massive government dysfunction IS the plan!  Once dysfunctional enough,  the MAGA crowd (about half the voting population,  as we just saw),  can be induced to rise up and replace it,  imposing their alternative upon the rest of us,  in a surprise fait accompli.  With Trump as dictator/king/”whatever”,  that's their alternative. 

That is EXACTLY how Adolf Hitler went from being appointed Chancellor in a democratic government,  to being absolute Fuehrer,  in 1934 Germany.  It just takes a triggering event to set the uprising off:  an analog to the Reichstag fire (that the Nazis set,  by the way).  

This was already prematurely attempted Jan 6, 2021,  as a last-ditch resort by Trump to stay in power past the end of his term.  It might have even succeeded if he had been able to get to the Capitol to lead it the rest of the way.  But his secret service agents refused,  and took him back to the White House,  where he fussed and fumed for about 3 hours watching the coup attempt fizzle out on TV.  It fizzled out because he wasn’t there to inspire it into even more violence,  actually killing all they could find who opposed him.  That level of violence would have justified a martial law declaration,  and thus kept him in power past the Jan. 20 handover.

Nobody wants to believe me when I tell them that the MAGA crowd’s “deep state" that they want to overthrow,  is not what they were told (which is basically all the non-MAGA people and institutions),  but actually really is Trump and his billionaire cronies and giant corporate allies.  There were photos of most of them all together just the other day,  about the same time as Biden so belatedly warned us about "the encroaching oligopoly".  That WAS the oligopoly in the photos!  “Oligopoly”,  “deep state”,  those are just different words for exactly the same thing.  The photo here is of only some of them:

Doing what you accuse others of,  is EXACTLY out of the playbook Adolf Hitler (and so many others) have used.  The accusations about a deep state specific to MAGA Republicanism/Q-Anon conspiracy theory actually started in 2015,  when Trump first began to run for president and the Q-Anon crowd embraced him.  I knew what he was then:  he did not want to be president,  he wanted to be king/dictator/”whatever”.  I tried to tell that to everyone around me back then,  but nobody wanted to believe me. 

Nobody wants to believe me now,  when I tell them that the Department of Justice (DOJ) was not weaponized,  until Trump weaponized it in the last few days,  with his Attorney General pick and his executive orders for the firing of so many DOJ employees.  (That's part of what most of the rest of the incompetent cabinet picks are for,  too:  both weaponization and massive government dysfunction.)  And when he was president the first time,  he already did it to the Supreme Court (and several federal judgeships) with McConnell's bumbling partisan support.  

Once Trump consolidates his power as the dictator of the US,  he will damage our NATO alliance and hand Ukraine “on a platter” to Putin.  China will make its move on Taiwan when it sees Putin successful in Ukraine.  That will slowly start World War 3 with both Russia and China.  That war will go nuclear,  so “you ain’t seen nothing yet”,  as far as chaos goes!

However,  the roots of this disaster date back much earlier,  to the aftermath of Bill Clinton's first election in 1992,  when 4 Republican leaders were in a bar crying in their drinks,  and hatched the plot to turn the Republican party into the "party of no",  meaning opposition above all,  even if it damages the public good.  They were Newt Gingrich,  Paul Ryan,  and 2 others whose names I can no longer recall.  Then-brand-new Fox News picked up on this and joined in,  as a far-right-wing propaganda organ.  And a sarcastic “thank you very much Rupert Murdoch”,  for bringing infamous British tabloid “journalism” to America,  to masquerade as real news! 

The name used then was the "Republican contract with America",  which turned out to be a fraud,  just as Bernie Sanders claimed,  but few believed him back then either.  The name "party of no" actually came into wide usage some years later,  after the election of Barack Obama.  But make no mistake,  the "contract with America" was just a cover for (1) gaining power by fraud,  and (2) by being the "party of no" whenever and wherever they were not in power.  

Republican politicians go along with this travesty,  because that is what their voters have been brainwashed to want.  And THAT is really why Congress has been so dysfunctional,  for so many decades now!  And we have seen that pattern continue,  until Trump came down that escalator in 2015 and turned it into an overt dictatorship movement,  hiding right in plain sight!

If you listen to what politicians say,  you will never see the pattern,  which is why most of you did not,  and still do not,  believe me.

You must only pay attention to what politicians actually do,  which is how I slowly came to see this pattern for what it really is,  more than a decade ago.


If you want to see the predictions I made for Trump’s second term,  which are actually starting to come true,  then either scroll down or use the archive tool on the left to find “Trump Again?”,  posted 11 November 2024.  The MAGA/Q-Anon movement about Trump is actually a dangerous fearless leader cult.   Political,  religious,  or some of both,  those cults are always very bad.  If you want to understand such cults,  and understand why I think there is one around Trump,  see “Trump Cult Warning”,  posted 23 January 2024. 

All you need,  in order to use the archive tool,  is the article’s posting date and its title.  Click on the year,  then on the month,  finally on the title if need be (such as multiple postings that month). 

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