Friday, March 7, 2025

Upper-Stage Starship Failure, Test 8

The video on the SpaceX website is disabled to black.  I cannot watch it.

As for the two upper stage “Starship” failures in a row,  bear in mind that most flight vehicle failures in flight test are due to multiple things acting together.  Having only a single cause is unlikely in the extreme.

That being said,  after flight 7,  they made some changes to the vehicle for flight 8, which apparently  did not work.  Which strongly suggests that the real causes (plural!) were not the leaks in engine plumbing that they assumed after flight 7.

There was a significant vehicle design change after flight 6.  The vehicles for flights 7 and 8 were longer,  with larger propellant tanks.  Which raises the specter of some sort of slosh or other mode in the propellant tanks,  causing the excessive vibration,  and perhaps causing fatal leaks in weld joints of the lower tank aft bulkhead.  The larger propellant masses involved would likely amplify any such effect.  This is only speculation,  but it is a real possibility that they need to explore.

If it were me,  I'd re-fly the older Starship upper stage design on flight 9,  with the smaller tank volumes and shorter length.  If that design makes the ascent successfully,  when the “improved” design did not,  twice in a row,  that would pretty well “nail it” to the dynamics of the larger tanks vs smaller tanks.

If it's liquid-sloshing in the tanks that really is the source,  then change the baffles.  The tank structures in and adjacent to the aft bulkheads may need reinforcement to better resist the unanticipated loads.  They need to instrument these locations for possible effects,  probably to include in-tank camera views,  and some strain gages and pressure sensors.

That's not to say there might not also be failures in the engine plumbing,  too!  But whatever is going on there, is apparently being overwhelmed by something else they have not identified yet.

This sort of thing happens often in experimental flight test.  It shows up more frequently when you make too many changes to the vehicle between tests,  too early in the program.  In this particular case,  it may also trace to believing too strongly in computer code outputs,  by engineers who cannot detect a garbage-in/garbage-out problem,  because they have not done enough (or cannot do) “old-timey” pencil-and-paper design analysis. 

Same day update:  there was some sort of pogo-mode excessive low-frequency vibration that afflicted the first 2 Saturn-5 flights.  I do not remember what the cause and cure for this were,  but it did not afflict the next test flight,  which was manned.  That was Apollo 8 around the moon December 1968. 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Dictatorship and Treason!

Update 3-05-2025:  Be aware as you read this,  that I see a different pattern than most of you out there.  That is because I look only at what the politicians and associated figures actually do,  I do not listen much at all to what they say. 

There is a great deal of truth to the old saw “you can always tell when a politician is lying:  his lips are moving”.   That is particularly true of Trump and his minions and sycophants.  The vast majority of everything Trump has ever said has proven untrue,  and his minions merely parrot him.

So I very strongly recommend that you look at what they do,  not what they say!  THAT track record of actions is what this article is all about.  And Trump’s speech before Congress does not change one single claim or conclusion in my article. 


You are watching a slow-motion coup taking place to replace our democracy with a Trump dictatorship that cares nothing for the American people, just his billionaire cronies and giant corporate suck-ups. You are also watching Trump’s slow-motion treason right there in public for all to see, handing the Ukraine to Putin, after Putin could not conquer it in 3 years of war.

Coup to establish dictatorship

Under our Constitution, the three branches of government (the Executive, Congress, and the Judiciary) are supposed to hold each other in check.

Congress has been effectively dysfunctional for some decades now, unable even to pass a budget as required by the Constitution. Instead, we have seen only continuing resolution after continuing resolution, year after year, in violation of the law of the land. This comes from party power out-prioritizing the people’s business, in violation of their oaths of office (that violation ought to be a prosecutable crime), and Trump’s party now controls the vote in Congress.

In recent years, several courts have been packed with right-wing idealogues and Trump minions who will do what Trump says instead of following the law. The most egregious example is Trump-appointed federal judge Aileen Cannon in Florida, who gave Trump’s lawyers every delay and anything else they asked for, ultimately dismissing-entirely the classified documents case against him. This totally-egregious case would have been a slam-dunk conviction for any ordinary citizen! 

She’s not the only example: with the collusion of Senate Republicans, Trump packed the Supreme Court with three more “arch-conservative” justices, which in concert with the other “arch-conservatives” then ruled he is immune from prosecution for any “official act” as president! That decision was in violation of over two centuries of federal law and precedent. “Official act” is up to interpretation, and they who committed this travesty are the ones who will interpret what is an “official act”.

Since the beginning of our Republic, our only safeguards against a President trying to be a dictator were Congress and the Courts. With both of them rendered ineffective, who’s to stop him? A military counter-coup? Trump’s been cashiering all the high-ranking military officers who don’t rabidly support him. Now you know why!

Trump has been packing the Executive branch high offices with minions who will do his bidding instead of what is legal, or with choices who are so incompetent and unqualified as to render their agencies completely dysfunctional. That dysfunctionality is by design: a dysfunctional government looks bad compared to the strongman dictatorship Trump offers! The rest (minions who will do his bidding, even illegally) is how he will complete the consolidation of all federal power into the Executive branch, which is by definition a dictatorship!

The most egregious example of minions doing Trump’s bidding, even if illegal, is Elon Musk and the supposed Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) that he commands. Musk was not elected by anyone, and he was not confirmed by the Senate. His supposed department was NOT created by Congress! All in violation of the Constitution!

Most of what Musk and his DOGE have done firing federal workers is illegal under the Constitution and two centuries of federal law. Yet NO ONE among the majority Republicans in Congress is stepping up to oppose this travesty! And only those courts not yet packed will oppose that.

Musk has revealed himself in public to have exactly the same bad character as Donald Trump: he is an arrogant, egotistical, conscience-less narcissist, bent only on increasing his own power and wealth by any means legal or illegal, and caring nothing for the American people, who will be severely damaged by all the resulting chaos. 

The treason issue

Vladimir Putin is the absolute dictator of Russia, make no mistake about that! His publicly-known goal is to reconstitute the old Soviet empire as the new Russian empire, and maybe more. He wants to dominate as much of Europe as he possibly can, by intimidation and invasion. That makes him the enemy of every country in NATO, make no mistake about that, either!

If he succeeds in Ukraine, he will next attack former Soviet countries that are now part of NATO. Which would trigger World War 3 in Europe if NATO were still intact! And Xi in China will invade Taiwan if Putin succeeds in Ukraine. That starts World War 3 in the Pacific!

Ukraine is not a member of NATO, nor has it received any official help from NATO, but it has been doing NATO’s job resisting the conquests of Putin for 3 years now! It has been doing this with direct help from the countries that make up NATO, including the US until now. And make no mistake, it is Putin who annexed the Crimea in 2014, and who invaded the rest of Ukraine 3 years ago. Putin’s forces have been committing war crimes against civilians in Ukraine ever since. Putin’s Russia is the enemy of us all, make NO mistake about that!

Meanwhile, Trump has been doing everything he can to undo the NATO alliance and our participation in that treaty. He has offended and insulted all of our allies. That is doing Putin’s job for him! Breaking apart NATO is something Putin has been unable to do for himself, and was what the old Soviet Union was unable to do during the decades of the Cold War.

Trump has suspended our aid to Ukraine, and staged a hostile confrontation with that White House meeting, as a set-up to make Zelenskyy out to be the bad guy. He did this to distract attention from the fact that he wants to give Ukraine to Putin as soon as he can. There was never any intention on Trump’s part to sign any deal for US aid, any acquisition of mineral resources notwithstanding.

Trump has also suspended all the economic sanctions on Putin’s Russia, so that their economy won’t crash so badly, and they might better win despite Ukraine still receiving aid from European countries. By handing victory over Ukraine to Putin, Trump is so very clearly doing Putin’s job for him, something Putin has been unable to do for himself in 3 years of war there.

And in the news today, Pete Hegseth, the Trump-appointed and Senate-confirmed Secretary of Defense, has suspended all offensive cyber actions against Russia, despite them increasing theirs against us! Defeating the US cyber offensive is another job Putin wants done. Trump and Hegseth have just done it for him!

Doing Putin’s job for him is (by definition) providing aid to an enemy. Which inherently also provides comfort to that enemy. We’ve already seen Russian officials celebrating Trump’s actions regarding Ukraine and NATO.

“Providing aid and comfort to the enemy” is one of only two definitions of treason, written directly into our Constitution. That document also provides the standard for conviction: two testifying witnesses to the actual act.

Millions have seen all of this happening before their very eyes on live television! That satisfies the standard for conviction. And yet I still see nobody using that word “treason” in public about the actions of Trump and his minions, despite how accurately and succinctly it characterizes them!

Final comments

Knowingly or not, the American people seem to have elected their very first dictator, who is already well along his way in creating that dictatorship! And your “elected dictator” is actively committing treason right in front of your very eyes! Who’s to stop him? A Congress dominated by the party he controls? The Department of Justice that he has packed with minions and weaponized? A military from which he is cashiering all the top officers who might oppose him?

All I can offer is that individually we are powerless, but together we might still have great power. Rise up and put a stop to this evil! Please!

Start by contacting your Representatives and Senators and let them know that (1) you see the dictatorship and the treason happening, and that (2) they are complicit in those crimes if they do not act to stop them.

I already did.

An overwhelming flood of such contacts might induce the non-minion Republicans to stand with the Democrats and try to stop this with impeachment.

Second Update 3-05-2025:

These are headlines for stories on the NBC News website as of 3-4-2025.  They prove exactly my point about Trump doing Putin’s job by damaging NATO. ---

From his perspective, Putin is now winning the yearslong struggle with the U.S.

The spat between Trump and Zelenskyy has dominated Russian TV coverage and a Kremlin spokesman said the West has begun to "lose its unity."

Trump's pause on Ukraine aid is like the U.S. switching sides in WWII, expert says


My take is that this just helps to further prove conclusively that Trump and his administration are working to destroy NATO while doing everything they can to help Putin,  including throwing victory in Ukraine to him.  Hurting your friends and helping the enemy is the VERY DEFINITION of TREASON,  of the “aid and comfort” type.  No one can argue with the facts of those actions,  and no words can obscure or defend those actions we have all seen. 

For me,  the remaining unexplained action out there is why no one is using that word “treason”,  when it is so obviously taking place in full view of everyone!  

Wake up!  Do something about it!  Act,  before you don’t have a free country anymore!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Spin Gravity Requirements

Artificial gravity is now known to be needed for long-duration space travel, because (1) decades of experience in orbiting space stations has shown that there are limits to the effectiveness of our countermeasures to microgravity disease, (2) there are many recently-discovered but initially-unanticipated ill effects with no countermeasures yet available at all, and (3) the sum of all that experience points to a time limit of about 400 days for exposure to weightlessness, and still have a decent chance to recover acceptably. That trend is in the wrong direction for planning to use long-duration weightless spaceflight. This is listed in Table 1.


There is only one set of physics that we have available for the production of artificial gravity: centripetal acceleration acentr (that some call centrifugal force), produced by spinning around some center at some spin radius Rspin, and at some spin rate N. Those 3 variables are related as shown in Figure 1 below. For purposes of units conversion, be aware that there are 3.2808333 feet per meter. Everything else anyone might want to know is already in the figure.

The very first question that comes to mind is “how much artificial gravity is enough?”, meaning what rim gee do we need to supply? The right answer is very unclear, since humans have never ever experimented with partial gee in rotating space stations in Earth orbit. We only have experience with 1 full gee down here on Earth, and at 0 gee (weightlessness) in orbit. There is nothing, no experiences at all, in between those two extremes! 

This is further complicated by time limitations, and by short-duration exposures of crews to high mission gees for the transients of rocket braking, entry deceleration, and so forth. We went into our roughly 5 decades of 0-gee orbiting space station experiences, expecting to find muscle atrophy and bone density loss, and looking for countermeasures to both problems. 

Figure 1 – Using Spin for Artificial Gravity

We found a lot more adverse effects than initially expected, and have found no countermeasures yet for most of those. The countermeasures for muscle atrophy and bone density loss are exercises and drugs as expected, but we have found definite time limitations, even for those:  about 400 days max exposure time to weightlessness. And those experiences are limited further to entry aerobraking gees in the 3 to 4 gee range, returning to Earth from low orbit. 

The only other actual-experience data we have at all, are from the Apollo lunar missions. Those crews were fully Earth-fit at launch, and exposed to weightlessness for no more than about 2 weeks during their missions. They experienced very near 11 gees during entry braking, in those free returns from the moon. They did just fine, enduring those gee levels at that level of fitness. 

The net result is that for partial-gee spin gravity, be it lunar at 0.165 gee, or Martian at 0.382 gee, we must observe the same limitations as for weightlessness exposures, meaning no more than 4 gee transient exposures, after any long exposures to low gravity. There is no data to support any other conclusion! Further, the total mission duration must match the weightless max mission duration limit of about 400 days, again because there are no data to support any other conclusion

Violate either limit, and we must supply about 1 full gee’s worth of spin gravity, in order to be fully Earth-fit, and so able to take a transient of 11+ gees during the mission. Further, interruptions in artificial gravity likely should not exceed the 2 weeks demonstrated during Apollo. This is summarized in Figure 2.  

Figure 2 – What Artificial Gee Level Do We Need?

There are only 3 variables interacting to provide artificial gravity: rim gee, spin radius, and spin rate. Mathematically, any two determine the third, per the first figure. 

The limits on supplied gee were just discussed above: either weightlessness for no more than 400 days and exposures to no more than 4 transient gees, or else full 1 gee artificial gravity, able to endure 11+ gees transient exposure, and likely limited to no more than 2-week-long interruptions with weightlessness. 

The limitations on spin rate and spin radius are shown in Figure 3, to the extent that any of this is known, and supported by any actual experiences or data. There is a long-standing but anecdotal-in-nature perception that 3 to 5 rpm, or really maybe only 3 to 4 rpm, is tolerable for essentially steady-state exposures to spin rate. The 5 rpm figure, coupled with partial gee, is the genesis of the centrifuge design depicted in the 1968 movie “2001,  A Space Odyssey”. None of this is supported by hard test data, though. Those tests were never run because of the presumption that the countermeasures for weightlessness would allow weightless long-term space travel. That has proven to be an error, as this article indicates.

Much more recently, NASA has funded some efforts at academic institutions to investigate some aspects of the limitations to spin gravity. The most notable of these (Reference 1) determined that with sufficient individualized acclimatization training, many persons could tolerate spin rates up to perhaps 20 rpm, in terms of the “cross-Coriolis” effect. That is the sudden-onset (and often severe) nausea induced by sudden head movements out of the spin plane. This was work done by the University of Colorado Boulder in cooperation with Arizona State University, and funded by NASA.

There are other possible effects, and those have yet to be tested. One possibly serious effect is the gee gradient along the spin radius,  which induces a significant difference in gees as felt at the head, versus the “rim gees” felt at the toes, while standing. This is also indicated in the figure. There are two serious effects to be anticipated from the gee gradient: (1) blood pooling in the legs which could lead to fainting if a so-called “gee suit” is not worn, and (2) long term weakening of the heart or vascular system, from the heart not having to work so hard, pumping blood back up from the feet to the heart at lower average gee. These are unexplored risks at this time. 

There is also a sort of practical lower limit on spin radius. The numbers quickly get entirely ridiculous if the spin radius does not exceed about 2 or 3 man-heights. The more-or-less-average height of a standing human is about 1.65 m (65 inches, or about 5 feet 5 inches). That puts the practical geometric minimum spin radius (exclusive of health effects) at around 3 to 5 meters.

The upper limit on spin radius depends entirely upon what might be practical to build. That is an entirely separate topic, not covered here. Just be aware that bigger is always more expensive.

As for higher spin rates,  that depends upon how long a training and acclimatization interval one can afford, but there is still an ultimate limit, of about 20 rpm after about 40-50 days of training, as depicted by the plot in Figure 4 below,  obtained from Ref.1. For lower spin rates, those training intervals are shorter, as depicted, but there was still training needed at 5 rpm. 

Figure 3 – What Are the Limits on Spin Rate and Spin Radius?

However, it would be wise to use increased intervals and decreased spin rates, versus those shown in the figure, as the same reference indicated a large confidence interval, meaning a lot of scatter in the data. Even so, there were no spin rates higher than 20 rpm that proved trainable at all. Anecdotally, something like 3 or 4 rpm may need no training at all, but that is below the range of rpm that was tested, in the cross-Coriolis study.

Figure 4 – There Are Actual Experiments for the Cross-Coriolis Effects


There are known, and still unknown, limits on the spin gravity design problem. What we know, or can surmise, follows. Each of the 3 variables needs to fall within the appropriate limits, or else the design must be deemed infeasible. These are also briefly summarized in Table 2 below.

Level of gee supplied

Until we actually know better, the gee level to be supplied can be either 1 full gee, or a lower value, including zero gee. At present, there is nothing known in-between those limits, so that partial gee cannot be supposed as any different from weightlessness, in order to take a conservative approach with respect to health risks. Zero or any level of partial gee is OK, if (1) the transient gee exposure does not exceed about 4 gees, and (2) the low-gee exposure does not exceed about 400 days. Note the “both-and” coupling of the two limits! 

But if the transient gee exposure does exceed 4 gees or the mission exposure time exceeds about 400 days, the only currently-supportable choice is supplying near 1 full gee, with a demonstrated capability of resisting transient 11 gee exposures. There is also a relevant-but-different time limit: no more than about a 2-week zero-gee transient interruption to the near-1-full-gee artificial gravity. That was demonstrated during Apollo, but may actually be longer. We just do not know. Note the “either-or” coupling of these limits. That reflects the necessary conservatism, relative to the “both-and” coupling of the limits to the low gee case.

               Spin rate limits

It is known from Ref. 1 that for the cross-Coriolis problem, training can raise the max spin rate tolerable, to (at the very most) about 20 rpm, with something like at least 40-50 days training. There is enough scatter in their data to justify reducing this to about 15 rpm with an increase to about 60 days’ training. Lower spin rates require shorter training, down to about 5 rpm with very little training. However, this is the one and only effect so far evaluated, and it was tested in short-term centrifuge tests. Therefore, this limit is probably subject to future revision. Further, the training had to be very individualized: there is no general rule-of-thumb to use! That is likely to be expensive training!

Longer term, there may be other limitations, we just do not know “for sure”. Anecdotally, the no-training threshold may be nearer 3-to-4 rpm (since 5 rpm needed training), for very long-term (essentially steady-state) rotation rate exposures. No one knows for sure, as the experiments have yet to be done. 

About 4 rpm max (or maybe a more conservative 3 rpm) is recommended by this author for the no-training threshold, until we know better. There is no minimum spin rate limit that we know about, or can imagine.

               Spin radius limits

These are still unexplored experimentally, as best this author can tell. It shows up in the radial gee gradient, which causes head-to-toe gee differences, which could then cause any of a variety of health effects. They could show up as blood pooling in the legs, or in weakening of the heart from having to work so much less pumping blood up from the toes back to the heart,  at lower average gee. No one yet knows for sure. 

From a practical geometry standpoint, spin radii probably ought to be at least 2 to 3 times the average height of a standing person, or about 3 to 5 meters minimum. The unexplored health effects may well increase that. Nobody yet knows for sure. A wild guess says keep the head-to-toe gee difference under about 0.1 to 0.2 gees. That limits the gee gradient down the spin radius to something around 0.1 gees per meter of spin radius maximum.

The maximum spin radius is determined by the practicality and expense of what can be built, more than anything else, so far as we know. Those are not health risk issues. Accommodating large spin radii in smaller vehicle designs will be rather challenging to say the least. That much is certain.

Final remarks

For manned interplanetary voyages, there are many vehicle design requirements that are also necessary for unmanned missions. These include protection from microgravity diseases (the topic here), protection from radiation exposures, protection from excessive heat and cold, and protection from meteoroid impacts. Those last two also apply to unmanned vehicle designs. None of those others (besides spin gravity) are addressed in this article. 

However, spin gravity and some or all of those other protections, are integral to the design of interplanetary vehicles in general, as a part of the larger topic of mission and vehicle design approaches to make interplanetary travel less difficult and dangerous. The vehicle designer must worry about all these things.

One part of that is the reduction of the departure velocity requirement from low Earth orbit by means of a reusable space tug-assist, the subject of Refs. 2 and 3. Another part of that is the application of the lessons of history regarding getting from early exploration to being truly ready to plant permanent settlements. That is the topic of Ref. 4. These things all go together, but taken all at once, the article would be too big to be posted, or to be presented as a paper. That does suggest a book, and not a small one. 


#1. Bretl and Clark, “Improved Feasibility of Astronaut Short-Radius Artificial Gravity Through a 50-Day Incremental, Personalized, Vestibular Acclimation Protocol”, a paper published in 2020 as open-access by Nature Partner Journals, in npj/microgravity as npj Microgravity (2020) 6:22 ; located at; work done by University of Colorado Boulder, in cooperation with Arizona State University Biodesign Institute, and supported by NASA.

#2. G. W. Johnson, “Tug-Assisted Arrivals and Departures”, posted 1 December 2024, at

#3. G. W. Johnson, “SpaceX’s Starship As a Space Tug”, posted 2 January 2025, at (update added for evaluating Centaur stages as tugs).

#4. G. W. Johnson, “Exploring Mars Is Not Settling Mars”, posted 1 February 2025, at

For references that are articles posted on this site, all you need in order to find them without scrolling down (the hard way) is to jot down the date of posting and the title. Then use the archive tool, left side of page. Click on the year, then the month, then the title if need be (such as if there was more than one posting that month). Anything posted here is freely available by simple copy-and-paste. 

There are lists sorted by topic of many of my technical articles posted on the “exrocketman” site. Those were posted 21 October 2021 in an article title titled “Lists of Some Articles By Topic Area”. I try to keep it updated, but the very latest articles may not yet be added to it. This includes in the radiation risk topic list my best take on NASA’s own radiation protection data and (older) exposure limits, with 5 October 2018 “Space Radiation Risks: GCR vs SFE”, and 2 May 2012 “Space Radiation Risks”. Both reference the same NASA site, and identify it.


Friday, February 21, 2025

Asteroid 2024YR4 Threat

This object has been identified as a Type S (“stony”) or possibly a Type L object.  It would be a dry,  loose rubble pile of cobbles,  gravel,  sand,  and possibly some boulders,  just barely held together by vanishingly-weak gravity. 

This object was discovered after it had already passed by at closest approach.  So much for advanced warning.  It is currently headed out away from the sun (and us) on its approximately 4-year-long orbit,  that crosses Earth’s orbit two places.  Earth can be there when it is also there,  at only one of them,  apparently the outbound crossing in this case.  It will return for another close pass in late 2028,  and again in late 2032.

It is the 2032 close pass that is of concern for this object striking the Earth.  Its size is such that this is a “city buster”,  not an extinction event.  The initial estimate of the probability of a collision was in the neighborhood of 1%,  raised to around 2%,  then to about 3%,  then lowered again to near 1.5%.  The point:  we just do not really know anything,  except that there is a risk. 

Update 2-26-2025:  NASA has lowered the risk to about 0.0027%,  and ESA to 0.001%,  for a collision with Earth.  However,  NASA says there is still a 1.7% chance the asteroid could hit the moon.,  Information is from a news story posted on the PBS Newshour website. 

As for deflection,  yes,  there are nuclear warheads,  and yes,  there are rockets that could send them to it.  But the guidance and control items,  and the warhead fuses,  do not yet exist for this purpose,  nor are they likely to,  in the next 4 years.  Most of the deflection methods we could use risk disrupting the rubble pile asteroid,  turning a single bullet strike into a widespread shotgun blast.

The close pass in 2028 offers an opportunity to find out more of what we need to know:  (1) better orbital data,  and (2) its physical properties.  Some sort of craft orbiting it could determine its mass with precision.  Some sort of impactor or explosive experiment might provide information about how easy it might be to disrupt this object versus deflecting it.  Time is very short to put “something” together!

The “brute force” mission is to launch right at the close pass,  so that upon achieving the right speed in the right direction,  you have already rendezvoused with the asteroid.  2028 would be the right time to do this.   2032 is too late,  in terms of the collision risk.  The figure shows the rough estimate I made for this mission. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Gallows Humor

Trump blames Ukraine for starting the war with Russia.  Manure!

Tariffs will be paid by the exporting countries.  Manure!

Firings of FAA employees that support overloaded air traffic controllers during a rash of crashes.  Manure!

Compiling a list of military senior officers to fire when we face possible war with Russia and/or China,  just because they said something Trump does not like.  Manure!

Rounding up any immigrants,  not just the very few real criminals among them.  Manure!

The Jan. 6 rioters he pardoned were all good people who were mistreated.  Manure!

Mexico will pay for the border wall.  Long known to be manure!

Trump won the 2020 election.  Also long known to be manure!

There are a lot more examples,  but I think I have made my point.  Basically,  everything he ever claimed has been manure!  Which explains the illustration (I did not create this,  my wife found it on Facebook):

It’s "gallows humor" because there is also a slow-motion coup in progress,  to consolidate all power into the executive branch,  which is really a dictatorship.  And I see no one opposing this enough,  in public.  Plus World War 3 will eventually result,  with us estranged from our allies,  when he gives Ukraine to Putin.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Open Letters Regarding Ongoing Evils

An Open Letter to My Federal Representation:

Ever since the election, we have been witnessing a slow-motion coup taking place,  one to replace our democratic government with a Trump dictatorship.  It comprises five things:

(1   (1) replacing government officials and federal judges in key positions with loyalists who will violate the law to do Trump’s bidding, 

(2   (2) mass firings and defundings to render many government agencies dysfunctional, 

(3   (3) incompetent leaders who will render their agencies dysfunctional, 

(4   (4) weaponizing the Justice Department and FBI to be Trump’s secret police,  and

(5   (5) hijacking the Republican Party by means of primarying and other retribution to force all in the party go along with this. 

Some of this began the first time he ran and served,  but it is much worse this time around.  And you,  my representation,  have aided and abetted this evil!  When you should have stood up against it for the sake of saving America.  For any responsible citizen,  protecting the country out-prioritizes any party advantage or personal advantage.  Apparently,  that is not true of you!

Trump’s goal here is twofold:  (1) create a government in which the executive holds all the power (effectively a dictatorship),  and (2) make this “acceptable” to those who voted for him,  as a functional alternative to a dysfunctional government.  At the very least,  this is entirely in defiance of the Constitution,  which you swore “to protect and defend against all enemies,  foreign and domestic”.  Which oath you have quite evidently repeatedly violated!

Now something even worse is coming,  and it is coming rather quickly:  treason of the “aid and comfort to the enemy” type!  This Trump “negotiation” with Putin to end the war in Ukraine is nothing but giving Ukraine to Putin “on a platter”,  when he could not reconquer it in 3 years of war.  How is that NOT “aid and comfort to the enemy”?  Especially since the very next day,  reports have it that officials in Putin’s Russia are already rejoicing about this. 

If you do not step up and stop this treason,  then you are complicit in it!  And it will lead to World War 3 with Russia and China,  with our alliances damaged by Trump!  You will be complicit in that,  too!  Just as you are already complicit in the ongoing coup to impose a dictatorship.

An Open Letter to the Broadcast TV News Media:

This is for the mainstream broadcast TV news,  which with one glaring exception has tried to tell the stories truthfully,  despite the labeling as “fake media” by the perpetrators of this coup.  Please read what I wrote to my federal representation just above.  I know that you know this coup is taking place,  and that treason is about to take place.  You must know,  even I can see it coming,  and your skills are far better than mine. 

This has absolutely nothing to do with “fairness” or “even-handedness” in reporting,  but it has everything to do with shouting the real truth from the rooftops to the public.  You are the “fourth estate”,  you need to be calling a spade a spade, to quote the old saying.  But you have not:  I have not seen the words “coup”,  “dictatorship”,  or “treason” in any reporting.  Yet those evils are right in front of you.

So,  why have you not been reporting this for what it really is?

Update 2-16-2025 


I wish to call your attention to an article titled “Open Letters Regarding Ongoing Evils” that was posted 13 Feb 2025 to There are two letters in the one article, one to my federal representation, the other to the broadcast TV news companies, and by extension to the services like AP. These relate to the ongoing extreme over-reach by the Trump executive branch, and the risky chaos this has created. If you have questions or want to discuss this further, please contact the author (me) by email – G. W. Johnson

Sent to:     2-14-2025

CBS evening news via their website 2-14-2025

NBC evening news via their website 2-14-2025

Unable to contact ABC evening news via their website 2-14-2025

AP news service via their website 2-14-2025

Update 2-18-2025:


I want you to actually do the job you swore to do,  when you took office.  Stand up and stop the ongoing coup attempting to establish a Trump dictatorship.  Stop the impending treason of Trump handing victory in Ukraine to Putin.  If you want to know why I look at things this way,  then go see my article “Open Letters Regarding Ongoing Evils”,  posted 13 February 2025 at  We can disagree about interpretation details,  but the facts speak for themselves!  Go and do your sworn job,  which is to “preserve,  protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,  foreign and domestic”!

Sent to:  my two Senators and my Congressman

Update 3-1-2025:


A news headline from the NBC News website:  Trump-Zelenskyy clash marks a defining turn away from U.S. defense of democracies,   with subhead:  The extraordinary clash featured an American president siding with an autocrat and longtime adversary, Russia, over a nascent democracy.

The treason has begun,  on live television in front of millions of witnesses!  Treason of the “aid and comfort to the enemy” type,  as defined in our Constitution,  which you swore to protect and defend. 

Ukraine is quite simply the West’s proxy stopping Putin from invading Europe.  And Trump so very clearly aligns instead with our adversary Putin,  wanting Ukraine to just surrender. 

And he has already alienated our NATO allies,  who now seem to think the NATO alliance is broken.  And with bloody good reason to think so.

This is treason,  plain and simple,  obvious to even the casual observer! 

Now get up off your duff and go do something constructive about it,  lest we the people find you complicit in that same treason!  

This message text was sent by email to my federal representation in response to the treason indicated by the mistreatment of Zelenskyy in the White House,  as seen by many millions on live TV. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Another Old Saying

“There is nothing as expensive as a dead crew, especially one dead from a bad management decision.”  --  G. W. Johnson

The history ---

Space Shuttle Challenger:

Bad multiple-O-ring joint design based on false thinking of “if 1 is good, 2 must be better”.

Decision to fly cold when “everybody’s engineers” said not to.

Result: 7 dead, nearly 2-year stand-down costing ~$billions

Space Shuttle Columbia:

Decision not to even look for possible wing damage on Columbia before entry.

Decision not to fly tile repair kit on any Space Shuttles, prior to Columbia fatal flight.

Result: 7 dead, more than a year stand-down, costing ~$billion

Apollo 1 fire (3 dead) & loss of “Liberty Bell” Mercury capsule (none dead):

Not included because the design and operation errors were made before much experience had been obtained. With the decades of experiences doing orbital vehicle designs available today, that excuse no longer obtains!

The current dilemma ---

Artemis-2 Orion heat shield (4 crew at risk):

Cheaper-variant Orion heat shield installed on 2 capsules, without first verifying it in flight on the unmanned Artemis-1 flight. It failed to verify on that flight! See photo.

Fly Artemis-2 crewed with flawed heat shield anyway, just ease the entry trajectory a bit. This is to avoid the expense and delay of replacing it with a known-to-be-good heat shield, verified on the very first Orion flight, before the Artemis program began.

               Result? -- we will soon see!

Final Remarks:

While NASA learned a great deal from these incidents and the inquests that followed them, I fear they have not learned the very fundamental lesson embodied in my old saying: the safety of crew lives must out-prioritize unconditionally any schedule or budget considerations! If they had learned it, there would be no dilemma regarding the Artemis-2 heat shield. But there is!

NASA is not the only outfit afflicted with this lack of proper priorities on the part of decision-making upper management. We just saw it in action with the Boeing “Starliner” debacle that stranded its crew at the space station. Design practices verified over 6 decades to use when handling storable hypergolic propellants, were ignored by corporate management in favor of cheaper approaches long known not to be reliable, thus leading to the thruster failures seen during the mission. While the crew survived just fine, they were in fact endangered by these failures.

Photo:  Post Flight View of Artemis-1 Cheaper-Variant Orion Heat Shield

Here is the background:

The Apollo heat shield was epoxy novolac Avcoat ablative, hand-gunned into the cells of a fiberglass hex honeycomb bonded to the capsule substrate. This is very labor-intensive, and thus expensive, and it consumes considerable schedule time. This flew on Apollo and on the first Orion flight test before there was an Artemis program, quite successfully, but was even more expensive and time-consuming than Apollo, because Orion is substantially larger than Apollo (near 400,000 cells to hand-gun, versus Apollo’s just about 300,000 cells).

This heat shield choice was switched during the Artemis program for bonded-in-place Avcoat tiles machined from blocks of cast Avcoat, but without the reinforcing fiberglass hex in any form. That saved a lot of time and money, and was installed on the two Orion capsules intended for the Artemis-1 (unmanned) and Artemis-2 (manned) flights, without ever having been test flown! However, it showed very unexpected damage in the form of the loss of chunks of char, on that first unmanned Artemis-1 flight.

The Artemis-1 unmanned flight not only was the first test of the alternate heat shield, it was also the first flight test of a revised entry protocol involving a skip outside the atmosphere between two entry deceleration and heating events. The last time this occurred was an unintended skip during a suborbital X-15 entry, many years before. It is simply impossible to separate and quantify the effects of the skip re-entry from the lack-of-fiberglass hex, from this one flight test!

Ground tests and computer analyses would seem to indicate that eliminating the entry skip might increase the performance of the heat shield as it was installed without the hex, for the Artemis-2 flight. This is primarily based upon the contention that gas evolution deep in the heat shield blew chunks of char loose between the two entry pulses on the Artemis-1 flight.

However, in my considerable experiences with ablatives in rockets and ramjets, most char is inherently porous, being rather similar to the charcoal used in barbecue grills, and thus it is simply unable to sustain any such evolved gas pressure! It should leak through as fast as it forms.

That whole question does not matter! Actual flight test data outweighs any possible ground tests or computer analyses! It always has! And it always will!

I have since come up with a way to easily and reliably incorporate the fiberglass hex into the cast blocks of Avcoat, that can be machined into the bonded tiles that NASA really wants to use on the Orion for Artemis. I gave this concept to NASA, and they are indeed looking closely at it. But the proper prioritization of crew lives above schedule or budget requires that this alternate approach also be flown unmanned, before ever risking a crew’s lives on it!

What NASA really should do is pull the heat shield from the Artemis-2 Orion, and replace it with either the Apollo-type hand-gunned heat shield for a manned flight, or else test some sort of hex-in-tiles alternative on it, unmanned. Either way, they need another unmanned flight test to demonstrate the effectiveness of any revised heat shield, before they ever fly manned with it.

I see no NASA plans to make any of this happen! They instead will fly the existing demonstrably-flawed heat shield, manned, for Artemis-2, just with the no-skip entry trajectory that might (or might not) ease the char chunk shedding. I have seen nothing to suggest they are planning any other unmanned flight tests to properly verify any revised heat shield design.

The inevitable conclusion:

Therefore, I must assume that NASA upper management has never, ever learned the most fundamental lesson of all from two dead shuttle crews, that being the lesson specifically embodied in my saying: prioritize the safety of crew lives above any schedule or cost impacts, no exceptions!

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Old Saying About Rocket Science Applies Broadly

“Rocket science really isn’t science,  it’s only about 40% science.  It’s about 50% art,  and 10% blind dumb luck” – unknown author

The old saying about rocket science actually applies to all of engineering.  The numbers shift a bit depending upon what exactly you are attempting to accomplish.  Other than that,  the illustration needs no comment.  --  GW

PS – I drew the illustration myself in Windows 2-D “Paint”.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Exploring Mars Is Not Settling Mars

Up front comments:

This article is an earlier,  smaller effort,  aimed at identifying and characterizing the 3-phase process required to plant colonies off-Earth.  It examines the effects of the process upon mission plans and the requirements upon the appropriate vehicle designs.  I plan to supersede it with a longer article or articles,  which will include some vehicle rough-sizing results.

There is a corresponding slide show to this shorter article,  that could be given in a 30-45 minute window.  It and myself are available to speak on this topic at meetings,  preferably (but not exclusively) local to me here in central Texas.   


This article is about a reliable process for getting from initial explorations on Mars,  to actually being able to reliably plant a permanent settlement there,  without killing a lot of people.  That process is defined by the experiences of the cross-ocean voyages from Europe,  starting about 500 years ago,  but with due consideration for what they did wrong back then. 

               The Lesson of History               

Based on what Europeans did,  establishing colonies in the New World and the far Pacific,  there are definitely 3 phases.  They didn’t get it “right” much of the time:  the Roanoke colony in North America disappeared entirely in rather short order.   The Jamestown colony almost disappeared but for knowledge obtained from the hostile local Indians.  The Plymouth Rock colony would have failed,  but for direct aid (plus useful knowledge obtained) from friendly local Indians. 

But when they did do it “right”,  it worked rather well,  such as in Indonesia,  and with the later colonies in North America after it had become widely known how to “live off the land” there.  The proper process is illustrated in Figure 1,  complete with the necessary phases,  and with the objectives,  characteristics,  and who usually does the funding,  listed for each phase.

Figure 1 – The Lesson of History:  3 Phases Ending in a Settlement

               Phases Set the Missions         

The same 3 phases apply to colonizing Mars (or anywhere else,  but Mars is the example here).  Different needs in the different phases result in different missions being necessary during each of the 3 phases.  Note that the Mars analog to multiple sites explored in the first mission requires basing out of low Mars orbit to visit multiple sites in the one mission to Mars!  There is no way around that,  precisely because there will be no long-range surface transport on Mars during that first exploratory  mission!  Other sites cannot be visited from a direct surface landing at one site!

It’s either visit multiple sites in the one mission,  or else mount a mission to each and every site of possible interest,  or else bet lives on remote sensing results (which you should never do)!  But done “right” by visiting multiple sites in the one mission,  there will only be the one exploratory mission!  This is actually a good outcome,  considering the high costs of mounting any sorts of missions to Mars.  See Figure 2. 

Figure 2 – The Phases Set Different Mission During the Process at Mars

               Different Mission Requirements and Vehicles           

The different phases have different mission requirements,  and they in turn require different vehicles.  There may be significant vehicle overlap between the first 2 phases,  but not very much at all with the third.  Note in Figure 3 that one required outcome of the experimental base phase is hard-surfaced,  large-and-level landing pads,  and another is in-situ propellant manufacture at full scale.  Those enable completely different vehicles to serve more efficiently later in the phase.  Therefore,  the mix of vehicles used in the experimental base phase is going to change as that phase proceeds. 

Bear in mind that these mission approaches and vehicle concepts are all “clean sheet of paper” designs!  This is what could be done,  if we could get away from a space program micromanaged by Congress to only maximize the political return from pork-barrel and corporate-welfare projects in powerful Senator’s districts.  Privatization may help some with that,  but it also brings other resource allocation problems associated with an oligarchy of the rich and powerful.

Figure 3 – Different Vehicles Are Appropriate in the Different Phases,  at Mars

               Typical Transfer Velocity Requirements                        

These numbers reported in Figure 4 for the interplanetary transfers are rough,  but “well inside the ballpark”,  good enough to get started.  One should obtain better estimates before actually sizing vehicles,  because of the exponential nature of the rocket equation.  One should also use actual engine ballistics estimates,  not handbook specific impulse values,  to size appropriate specific impulses for use in the rocket equation.  The remaining uncertainties will lie in the inert mass fractions for the weight statements of the vehicles,  and the resulting mass ratios. 

The Hohmann min-energy transfer is for “average planetary distances from the sun”.  There’s not much effect of the Earth’s low eccentricity on this,  but there is,  for Mars’s more-eccentric orbit.  However,  these average values are quite representative values for initial sizing purposes.

The same is true of the “fast trajectory” shown.  This is an ellipse with an exactly-2-year-period,  so that it could also serve as an abort orbit.  That way,  Earth is there at perihelion,  when the craft arrives at perihelion after a single two-year circuit about the ellipse.  Slightly-different velocity requirements obtain,  for more extremized planetary distances about the sun.  But that is a smaller effect,  so these are good “ballpark” numbers for getting started.

Be aware that the near-field encounter velocities shown are corrected from the 2-body solar orbit values,  by the third-body gravitational attraction of Mars (or Earth),  as the distance closes between Mars and the spacecraft,  or opens between Earth and spacecraft.  The far-field “encounter” velocities computed from simple 2-body equation models of orbits about the sun are lower,  but unrealistic!  Budgets for two course corrections are also estimated in the figure.   One of these is to be done about mid-way,  the other takes place as the craft approaches Mars close-up.

Figure 4 – Rough Figures for Transfer Trajectory Velocity Requirements

               Typical Local Mission Velocity Requirements at Mars           

The numbers indicated in Figure 5 are fairly reasonable,  but that ignores thrust and acceleration-level issues,  which affect engine inert weights,  as well as the numbers of engines vs thrust turndown ratios needed.  One must actually do the Mars entry ballistics and the final descent and landing estimates,  in order to firm up lander vehicle thrust/weight requirements!  

Entry,  descent,  and landing on Mars is both similar and dissimilar to that same process on Earth.  The Mars atmosphere is thick enough to use entry aerobraking to “kill” most of the close approach velocity,  but it is also so thin that the end-of-entry-hypersonics altitudes are very much lower,  and also much more scattered with varying vehicle masses. 

Almost regardless of size,  at Earth the end-of-hypersonics altitudes are above 40 km,  and the atmosphere below that is thick enough to enable the effective use of parachutes or wings to conduct landings without any rocket braking.  Mars is quite different:  even at smaller sizes,  vehicles come out of the entry hypersonics at rather low altitudes,  and even lower still at higher vehicle mass and higher entry speeds.  Impacting the surface still-hypersonic is a very real risk!

Terminal velocities on parachutes at Mars are just barely subsonic,  so that terminal rocket braking is absolutely required,  even at only 1-ton-or-smaller vehicle masses.  At higher masses,  there is just not time to deploy such a chute at all,  before surface impact,  much less have it decelerate you from high supersonic.   Either way,  that Mars landing scenario requires significant,  even major,  amounts of terminal rocket braking,  in order to achieve a survivable touchdown at all!

And while the velocity to “kill” is not all that large at only 0.7 km/s,  you have a rough-field obstacle problem to design for.  You must essentially hover and divert to avoid fatal obstacles or hazards on the surface.  That dominates over gravity and drag loss effects,  so that you need to use a factor of somewhere between 1.5 and 2.0,  applied to the 0.7 km/s velocity-to-kill,  for estimating the lander braking-rocket velocity requirement,  as near 1.0 to 1.5 km/s.

Beyond that,  there is also the wildly-varying thrust-to-local-weight deceleration requirement:  near 4+ gees for braking-to-zero before impact,  versus only about 0.382 gees for hover-and-divert.  These are NOT easy design requirements to satisfy,  but they must be satisfied,  for all lander designs at Mars!  Rocket engines,  even today,  do NOT have that kind of turndown ratio (near 11). 

Figure 5 – Local Entry,  Descent,  and Landing Velocity Requirements at Mars

               Rough/soft field requirements drive exploration and experimental-base designs             

The rough/soft field issues will drive vehicle designs in both of the first two phases,  because hard,  level,  smooth landing pads do not yet exist!  Some design criteria shown are shown in Figure 6. 

There are fundamentally 3 problems to address:  (1) static stability vs overturn on rough ground,  (2) sinking into the surface at too high a dynamic or static bearing pressure upon soft ground,  and (3) touching down at non-zero horizontal speed,  causing the leading-side landing pads to “dig in” and “trip” the vehicle dynamically. 

There is a rule of thumb used successfully for many decades for landers on the moon,  Mars,  and elsewhere.  There is a minimum lander pad footprint dimension,  as indicated in Figure 6.  That dimension needs to exceed the height of the vehicle center of gravity above the surface.  This criterion simply rules out the safe touchdown of tall,  narrow vehicles on rough ground!  It is based on high school physics:  when the weight vector points outside the landing pad footprint at its minimum dimension,  the vehicle WILL topple over!

Sinking into the regolith happens when the landing pad bearing pressure exceeds the ultimate failure pressure of the soil.  Murphy’s Law says this will always occur unevenly,  leading to the craft being at an angle,  even on level ground.  Too much, and it topples over!  Even if it does not topple,  pads buried in the regolith accumulate loads of soil that must be removed before a takeoff can be attempted.  One must design for landing pads large enough to reduce the soil bearing pressure below that ultimate failure pressure!  That is true dynamically at landing,  and statically at takeoff.

99% of Mars’s surface corresponds to Earthly “soft,  dry,  fine sand”,  whether in dunes or in plains with a loose rock content.  Such loose rocks cannot add strength until their spacing is essentially zero,  which is rare on Mars.  The civil engineering handbooks have values for the “safe” or “allowable” soil bearing pressures for a variety of soils,  up to and including “hard rock ledge”.  These allowable values are lower than ultimate,  to prevent soil settling in the long-term foundation design problem.  The ratio of ultimate to allowable is usually about 2,  sometimes 2.5.

As for the residual horizontal velocity problem,  there is a mechanical energy criterion for that.  There is a radius from the center of gravity to the pad or pads that dig in.  Dug in,  the craft rotates about that dig-in point,  raising its center of gravity.  If the kinetic energy of the horizontal velocity exceeds the potential energy change of the center-of-gravity rise,  then the vehicle WILL topple over!  This criterion also pretty much eliminates landing tall,  narrow vehicles on rough ground.

Figure 6 – Rough/Soft Field Lander Design Requirements

                Exploration Phase Vehicles                  

There are 3 different vehicles required at Mars during this phase,  as listed in Figure 7.  The direct 1-way cargo shots can be sent prior to the manned mission.  It is presumed that a few of these need to arrive fairly quickly,  although Hohmann min energy transfer should be adequate for most.  The manned orbit-to-orbit transport will need to cross the Van Allen belts quickly both outbound and on return for re-use.  The landers and their propellant supplies (plus propellants for the manned transport return) can be sent ahead unmanned,   and slowly,  by electric propulsion.  The space tug assist concept can be used to reduce departure velocity requirements from Earth orbit.

Figure 7 – Recommended Vehicle Concepts for Exploration Phase

               Experimental Base Phase Vehicles   

Although they don’t have to be,  the same mix of 3 vehicles can be used to support much of the experimental base phase.  Note the additional requirement to have nothing jettisoned before,  during,  or after Mars entry for the 1-way direct cargo vehicles.  This is to avoid falling debris hazards to people and things already on the surface.  All of this is listed in Figure 8.

The right time to apply the debris requirement is during the exploration phase,  so that no design changes are needed when the phase changes to experimental base.  Bear in mind that during this phase,  the mission is still entirely supplied by Earth,  until and unless there is full success in living off the land.  The 1-way cargo flight rate only decreases when success obtains in living off the land.

Again,  the space tug concept can be used to reduce departure velocity requirements from Earth.

Figure 8 – Recommended Vehicle Concepts for Experimental Base Phase

               Permanent Settlement Phase Vehicles          

This phase can only happen once all the “living off the land” experiments succeed reliably in the experimental base phase,  otherwise lots of people will die!  That includes both in-situ sustainable life support and in-situ propellant production,  plus the construction of large,  flat,  level,  hard-surfaced landing pads.  The infrastructure for in-situ production of large amounts of electricity is implied.  See Figure 9. 

The mix of vehicles is quite different:  there can be both orbit-to-orbit and direct-landing transports,  and there need be no further 1-way direct cargo flights,  alleviating that hazard to people and things on the ground at the selected site.   The “lighter” is a much larger 2-way 1-stage surface-to-LMO-to-surface vehicle,  with a larger payload fraction,  based on the surface,  and using higher-energy in-situ propellants and the appropriate engines.  It functions to load and unload orbit-to-orbit transports,  of both cargo and people. 

And as with the other two phases,  Earth departure velocity requirements can be reduced by using the tug-assisted departure concept. 

Figure 9 – Recommended Vehicle Concepts for Permanent Settlement Phase


There is overlap among vehicle designs for phases 1 and 2,  but not much with phase 3,  as indicated in Figure 10.  Rough/soft field landing is the driving vehicle design requirement for both phase 1 and the first part of phase 2.  Having such a rough field capability as an abort capability would be wise even in later phase 2,  and in phase 3.  Each vehicle design is worthy of its own vehicle design study.  Such studies are not included here!

The manned vehicle designs are the most demanding,  because of the needs to provide not only life support over months-to-years in space,  but also radiation protection,  and protection against microgravity diseases.  Those are all worthy topics in and of themselves,  not covered here!

Figure 10 – Overall Conclusions

Final Comments

Perhaps the most important finding here is also quite divergent from most other mission concepts for Mars!  That is the need to visit multiple sites in the one exploration mission,  driven by two things. 

First,  the huge difficulty and expense of mounting any sort of mission to Mas at this time in history.  Second,  the need to definitively-determine real ground truth (including deep underground) at each candidate site,  in order to reliably select the “best one”. 

This drives one to orbit-to-orbit manned transports with landers,  instead of direct manned landings!

That is true precisely because it is not just unwise to bet lives on possibly-wrong remote-sensing results,  it is actually immoral and unethical to do so off Earth!  Why?  Because even today,  there are still (more often than not) small but significant disparities between remote sensing results and real ground truth.  Such is likely lethal,  in a hostile lethal environment!