How the ships or the payload get to low Earth orbit is
unaddressed. How the payload gets
delivered to Mars’s surface from low Mars orbit is unaddressed. How the ships are refueled and reloaded in
low Earth orbit is unaddressed. What is
addressed here, that is unlike the
earlier simpler study, are the separate
inert weights associated with the payload section, the propellant tankage section, and the
The minimum vehicle acceleration requirement is increased to 0.5
gee, except for one system deemed
adequate at 0.33 gee.
The previous closely-related article was “Colonization Ship
Study”, dated 9-9-19. It examined the simpler-to-analyze case of
carrying the dead-head payload both ways (outbound and return), so that there was one mass ratio and one
delta-vee (dV) to cover the round trip.
That scope was multiple fundamentally-different forms of
propulsion: nuclear explosion drive (or
“pulse propulsion”) as it was envisioned in the late 1950’s, nuclear thermal propulsion (as a version of
the solid core NERVA for which engine prototypes were tested), Hall effect ion propulsion based off of
plentiful, cheap, and solid-phase-but-sublimable iodine, LOX-LH2 chemical rockets, and storable-propellant rockets.
Scope here is only nuclear thermal rocket propulsion, but with the highly-variable tested or
envisioned characteristics of six different design approaches. It is these six that are compared in terms of
the ratio of initial ignition to dead-head payload weight, using the same maximum-attractive criterion
of 5 as in the earlier study. These six
approaches and their relative states of technological readiness are:
(1) as-tested NERVA solid core,
(2) the best-anticipated solid-core NERVA derivatives that
never got built or tested,
(3) the particle bed solid core reactor engine (one version
of which was “Timberwind”, which got
some exploratory testing revealing unresolved problems, but never reached the engine prototype
(4) the so-called “nuclear light bulb” gas core concept
(some insufficient feasibility tests),
(5) the open-cycle gas core concept restricted to
regenerative cooling, meaning no
radiator required (some insufficient feasibility testing), and
(6) the open-cycle gas core concept with a large, heavy external waste heat radiator (some
insufficient feasibility testing).
To accomplish this investigation, I added an additional worksheet to the colony
ships.xlsx spreadsheet file that I used for the earlier study. Unlike the previous study, there are no closed-form ways to get from dead-head
payload to a vehicle weight statement.
The calculation uses iterative convergence of the propellant tank inert
weight, and iterative convergence of
engine thrust sizing in terms of the resulting vehicle acceleration gee
For this investigation,
the payload section is presumed to be some sort of enclosed hull, with adequate insulation, radiation shielding, and micrometeor protection for a crew built
into it, in some unspecified way. The ratio of dead-head payload mass (contained
inside) to the loaded payload section mass is a fraction denoted as fpay. The dead-head payload size drives everything in
the end, as all results are directly
proportional to the dead-head payload input.
For this investigation,
dead-head payload was arbitrarily set at 100 metric tons, and fpay = 0.8, the same for all six engine types. Thus:
payload section mass = dead-head payload mass/fpay
section inert mass = loaded payload section mass – dead-head payload mass
The propellant tank section contains the common propellant
for all nuclear thermal engine approaches:
liquid hydrogen (LH2). This is a
harsh cryogen, requiring solar heating
control, significant insulation, and some sort of cryocooler to control
evaporation. This is simply going to be
heavier than the lightest-possible single-wall bare tank. The ratio of propellant mass to loaded
tank mass is the fraction ftank.
The single value ftank = 0.95 was used for all six engine types. Thus:
tank section mass = propellant mass/ftank
Tank inert
mass = loaded tank mass – propellant mass
mass must be the sum for two burns at differing dead-head payload
starts with a guess for tank inert, and
iteratively converges it to the result
The engine “section” is the nuclear thermal rocket engine
(or engines, for redundancy), complete with turbopumps and control
equipment, a radiation shadow shield for
the crew up forward, plus any waste heat
radiator that may be required (if regenerative cooling alone cannot do the
job). This radiator (if present)
and the core-plus-engine hardware lead to a characteristic engine
thrust/weight ratio T/We, which
is dimensionless under the definition that both thrust T and engine weight We (on
Earth) are measured in force units. This
ratio is different for each engine type,
as is the resulting specific impulse.
The values I used follow:
Type Isp, s T/We development status
NERVA 725 3.6 as-tested
in engine prototypes
derNERVA 1000 5 derivative-of-NERVA, estimated on paper
PBR 1000 7 particle-bed
reactor, based on “Timberwind” 1300 10 “nuclear light bulb” gas core
concept, some feasibility
Open GCR 2500 20 open-cycle gas core concept
limited to regenerative cooling
GCR+rad 6000 0.5 open-cycle
GCR with heavy waste heat radiator,
For this kind of data,
the main results used to size the vehicle are the exhaust velocity Vex
(km/s), and the engine system inert mass
(metric tons). These are:
km/s = (Isp, s)*9.8067/1000
system inert mass, metric tons = thrust level, KN/(9.8067 * T/We)
For the remaining vehicle characteristics, all the concepts except “GCR+rad” were
required to size thrust level such that the vehicle acceleration at the initial
ignition mass was at or just above 0.5 gee.
This corresponds to about a 15 minute Earth departure burn, definitely short enough to qualify as
“impulse”, and not have the orbital dV be
factored-up for gravity loss to be mass ratio-effective.
With the data I used,
the GCR+rad system could not reach half a gee, but converged fairly well at 0.33 gee. This is less than a 30 minute burn, still short enough to consider as “impulsive”
for Earth departure.
Max gee at final burnout weight upon Earth return should be
under about 5, but this proved not to be
a problem.
It’s a two-level iteration:
first set a thrust level, then
converge your guess for propellant tank inert weight with the final result of
the calculation for tank inert weight. Then
check and adjust your thrust level for the right Earth departure gee
level. Then converge the tank inert
weight again. Repeat the process as
needed to get however-close a convergence you deem tolerable (0.1-0.01 ton
The orbital dV’s that are required are those for
getting from low orbit onto a min-energy Hohmann transfer ellipse. The values used are worst-cases that do not
go together; the difference is a nice
little “kitty” to cover midcourse corrections.
Earth departure = Earth arrival = 3.84 km/s. Mars arrival = Mars departure = 1.83
km/s. These sum to 5.67 km/s
outbound in a heavier ship carrying payload,
and 5.67 km/s return in a lighter ship with no payload and already
having burned off some propellant on the outbound voyage.
Factored for losses,
these dV figures become the mass ratio-effective dV’s for design
purposes. Those and the Vex for each
engine type give you the mass ratio MR for each engine type, one for outbound, the other for return.
MR =
exp(sum dV/Vex) with both velocities in
km/s, and the sum dV for outbound or
You start the calculation with the return voyage by summing
up the inerts (payload section inert + tank inert + engine inert), plus zero dead-head payload, as the burnout mass at Earth arrival. This starts with a best guess for inert
tank mass, as well as for installed
engine thrust level. Apply the
appropriate mass ratio to get Mars departure ignition mass. The difference in
ignition vs burnout mass is the propellant expended for the two burns of the
return voyage.
The next step is the outbound voyage. The Mars departure ignition mass, plus the dead-head payload mass, is the Mars arrival burnout mass. Apply the appropriate mass ratio to get the Earth
departure ignition mass. The difference
in ignition vs burnout mass is the propellant expended for the two burns of the
outbound voyage to Mars.
The sum of the two propellant quantities is the total
propellant for the round trip. Divide
this total propellant by ftank to find the total loaded tank mass. The difference between loaded total tank mass
and total propellant mass is the inert tank mass. This resulting inert tank mass is what
your guess for tank inert mass must converge to! The best next guess is close to the last
Thrust divided by Earth weight is the vehicle acceleration
gee estimate. This is done at each of
the 4 vehicle masses: Earth departure
ignition, Mars arrival burnout, Mars departure ignition, and Earth arrival burnout. Two of these are of real interest: Earth departure ignition (min gees), and Earth arrival burnout (max gees). The other two conditions fall in-between. You
must adjust your installed thrust level to achieve min gees. Then iterate to convergence again on tank
inert mass.
Max gees at Earth arrival burnout did not prove to be a
problem, but should fall under 5 gees
for the most tolerable results. Be sure
you check for that outcome.
The last calculation sets up weight statements and estimated
dV performance for the six propulsion types,
using the data already calculated.
The initial part of the weight statement is the vehicle buildup from
payload and inert items to Earth departure ignition mass. Subtracting the total outbound propellant
gives the Mars arrival burnout mass. Their
ratio produces an outbound summed dV for both burns, to be calculated for each type (for
comparison to the initial summed requirement).
That Mars arrival burnout mass, less the dead-head payload, is the Mars departure ignition mass. Subtracting the return voyage propellant
produces the Earth arrival burnout mass.
Their ratio produces a return summed dV for the two burns, done for for each propulsion type (for
comparison to that summed requirement).
The deviations of these weight statement dV’s from the
required values reflect just how closely you converged your tank inert
weights. These should be only trivially
off (by under 0.001 km/s = 1 m/s). If
you see bigger errors, you didn’t
converge your tank inert masses closely enough. The effect of being “off” on min gee (as set
by installed thrust level) is small,
when compared to the effect of being “off” on guessed tank inert mass.
At the very bottom of the weight statements are the vehicle
payload fractions, in both
definitions. One is the conventional
definition: dead-head payload mass /
Earth departure ignition mass. You
probably should not consider anything under 0.2 for a practical colonization
ship design. Its inverse is Earth
departure ignition mass / dead-head payload mass. In that definition, you probably should not consider anything over
5 for a practical colonization ship design.
This limit (in either form) is inherently a very fuzzy
judgement call. But, if dead-head payload mass is too small
compared to Earth departure ignition mass,
the resulting design will be inherently very expensive to build and to
operate, just like with ocean-going
transport when the cargo mass is small compared to the tonnage of the ship.
What I got for this study is given in Figures 1 and 2, a two-part image of the completed spreadsheet
worksheet page. Of the six propulsion
types, four look reasonably-to-very
attractive. These are the derivative of
NERVA, some form of PBR, and the two gas core concepts that do not
require a huge waste heat radiator. The
as-tested NERVA falls short because its engine thrust/weight is too low and the
resulting large engine inerts drive the vehicle inerts, constrained by the large thrust level to
achieve min acceleration gees. The gas
core with radiator falls short because of the gigantic, heavy radiator.

Figure 1 – Image of Nuclear Thermal Spreadsheet Analysis, Part 1

Figure 2 -- Image of Nuclear Thermal Spreadsheet
Analysis, Part 2
Near-term, the higher
Isp and engine thrust/weight of the derivative NERVA could be realized in a few
short years, to an engine prototype
ready for flight test. The PBR concept
would take a few more years than that,
since no prototype engines were ever ground tested, and some fundamental problems identified in
testing of “Timberwind” components remain unresolved. The gas core concepts would require
several-to-many years to reach a flight-testable prototype, since only very sparse lab-type feasibility
demonstrations were ever done;
plus, there is no guarantee of
eventual success, either.
My own recommendation would be to base an initial design
around the derivative NERVA as lowest-risk option of acceptable benefit, and plan on replacing it later with one of
the non-radiator gas core designs,
should that development prove successful.
Figure 3 sketches a ship design concept based on the
derivative of NERVA, figured at 100
metric tons of dead-head payload delivered to Mars. Volume of LH2 and a guess for tank L/D set
the tank dimensions. Everything else
scales one way or another from that, as
a first approximation. Everything about
the weight statement and thrust level sizing is proportional to dead-head
payload size. Dimensions would scale as
the cube root of mass, provided that L/D
ratios are preserved.
This vehicle rough-out delivers the same design dead-head
payload to Mars as the proposed Spacex “Starship” design. The differences are several: this vehicle never lands on Mars (delivery to
the surface is by unspecified other means), this vehicle must make a full Mars arrival
burn into low orbit (“Starship” only makes a final touchdown burn after an
aerobraking direct entry), and this
vehicle returns all the way to low Earth orbit for reuse, unrefueled.
It never needs to survive any sort of atmospheric entry.
This design makes the round trip single-stage
unrefueled. The Spacex “Starship” is
entirely one-way only, unless and until it
can be refueled on the surface of Mars from local resources.
There is enough payload section volume to support a crew of up
to 15, at about 300 cubic meters per
person, in addition to the volume
occupied by the dead-head payload, at a
payload specific gravity averaging only 0.3.

Figure 3 – Sketch Layout of Derivative-NERVA Colonization
Ship, at the 100 Ton Payload Size
This result says a Mars colonization ship able to carry 100
metric tons of dead-head payload one-way to Mars, and return to Earth with no payload, all one-stage, is not that large an item. It is not large enough to spin for
artificial gravity like a rifle bullet,
but it is large enough to spin end-over-end (like a baton) for
artificial gravity. At about 3.24
rpm, there is about one full gee
available in the payload section. That
spin rate is tolerable to untrained,
unacclimatized people, for
long-term exposure.
The insulation and meteor shielding is about a meter thick
on the payload section, meaning it can
double as radiation protection. If those
layers of fabric average 0.20 effective bulk specific gravity, that is some 20 g/ shielding mass, adequate for solar flare events, and offering some reduction of galactic
cosmic radiation. The insulation and
tank shell thickness of the propellant tank section was assumed to be 0.1
m. Engine section length was just a
Key to this design as-sized is carriage of dead-head
payload to Mars, but not from Mars. The return dead-head payload must be zero! If not,
the propellant tank section must be significantly larger, to the detriment of the payload fraction
criteria. Any crew and their life support
must come out of that dead-head payload allowance (meaning near-zero crew on
the return voyage).
These results look more favorable than the
otherwise-comparable nuclear thermal option in the earlier study. That is precisely because dead-head
payload is only carried one-way in this study,
and it was carried both ways in the earlier study. That is one huge effect. But the trend from the earlier study applies
here as well: if we design for a farther
destination than Mars, the design won’t
look so attractive in terms of the payload fraction criteria.
The restriction of zero dead-head payload on the return
voyage is not as constraining as it first sounds, when one considers the goal is building a
colony with these payloads. During
that process there is little-or-nothing to ship home to Earth, except information, which is better sent electronically. Later,
when an operating economy results in two-way trade, one will need commerce ships, not colonization ships. But, by the time that need arises, significantly-better propulsion technology
should have become available.
Brief Result Summary: The best near-term option of the six nuclear
thermal approaches, for a Mars
colonization ship design, is the
derivative-NERVA nuclear thermal propulsion approach (Isp ~ 1000 s and engine
T/W ~ 5). For 100 metric tons dead head
payload, the initial ignition mass is
about 500 metric tons. That means for
1000 metric tons dead-head payload, the sized
ship will initially mass about 5000 metric tons. For 2000 tons payload, the ship will be around 10,000 tons, etc.
This is restricted to orbit-to-orbit operation, and to no dead-head payload on the return
voyage. Even the small 100-ton
payload size is large enough to spin end-over-end for artificial gravity at
near 1 gee and an easily-tolerated spin rate.
The payload section insulated design (if a meter of fabric layers) also inherently
provides a fair amount of radiation protection.
After Elon had his presentation, not sure if it was 16 or 17. Zubrin commented that the earth escape portion of the ship is too valuable. And would be better to boost back it into high eliptical orbit, so it comes back two weeks, ready for another payload.
ReplyDeleteThis would likely only make sense if both parts aerobraked.
More like LEO NTR booster for Starship.
But it would have to compete with Operational SpaceX rockets that deliver fuel to LEO at 6k$ per ton. Costs being aspirational from 2016 presentation.
I'm not at all sure of what you are talking about. Care to define better? -- GW
ReplyDeleteI was just reading this on Atomic Rockets, and your fuel tank is a cylinder. Considering this is a pure space application, one large sphere would be the best shape. I assume you are thinking the fuel tank would be build on earth and launched up empty?
ReplyDeleteThe tank serves more than one function. It must be longer than it is wide in order to get the spin radius for artificial gravity at a tolerable rpm.
DeleteDepending upon exactly which nuclear thermal engine gets used, you may be able to surface launch to orbit. That requires an average Isp exceeding about 1300-1500 sec. I did not explore that issue.
For gravity, I strongly suspect you would be better off with a huge sphere tank and a scaffold of the distance you need. The only reason for a cylinder is if you are carrying the fuel tank alone up through the atmosphere.
DeleteIf you build the tank in orbit, and carry the engines up from earth that would be the best compromise, but space construction is definitely not near term tech, especially on that scale.
If I choose a cylindrical tank, its inert mass then serves two purposes. If I choose a spherical tank plus a truss structure, I have a bit less tank inert, but I have a lot more truss inert. That acts in the wrong direction to maximize mass ratio. -- GW