It is easy to run a rocket equation-based trade study that
assumes a one-stage round trip, that
jettisons nothing. Making it carry the
same large payload on the return voyage simplifies the analysis, but very likely over-penalizes the
design. But at this level of
analysis, that really doesn’t matter.
This is basically just a bounding analysis for screening candidate
propulsion approaches to a Mars colony ship design. I included nuclear explosion
propulsion, nuclear thermal
propulsion, ion propulsion, LOX-LH2 cryogenic chemical propulsion, and storable chemical propulsion.
Update 9-13-19: there is more than one kind of nuclear thermal rocket. I took a closer look at 6 different nucear thermal rocket approaches, and in a more nuanced way, in "A Closer Look At Nuclear Thermal", dated 9-13-19, this site.
Update 9-13-19: there is more than one kind of nuclear thermal rocket. I took a closer look at 6 different nucear thermal rocket approaches, and in a more nuanced way, in "A Closer Look At Nuclear Thermal", dated 9-13-19, this site.
Spreadsheet Inputs
The spreadsheet inputs are highlighted yellow. Payload delivered is common to all the
designs, and actually arbitrary, but I thought 2000 metric tons might go a
long way toward the beginning of a colony.
Inert fractions vary with the propulsion selection. I used data from Ref. 1 to set a realistic
guess for the inert fraction, of the
nuclear explosion drive. It is very
high, reflecting the massive pusher
plate, two-stage shock absorption system, and the armored hull.
The Hall effect ion drive is based on existing Busek satellite
thrusters already in service, and
modified to “burn” iodine, something
plentiful, cheap, and storable at low pressure. Getting to an acceptable vehicle acceleration
requires a very large thruster array and a nuclear power source in the
multi-megawatt range. I just guessed the
inert mass fraction that might cover this.
Because of the heavy reactor core and low engine thrust/weight
achieved in the old NERVA nuclear thermal rocket development effort, I used twice the typical chemical stage inert
fraction as a “good guess” for the nuclear thermal inert mass fraction. There is good data about this engine in Ref.
Both the LOX-LH2 cryogenics chemical propulsion, and the NTO-MMH storable-propellant chemical
propulsion, share the same “typical”
stage inert mass fraction.
Delta-vees for the Mars trip are for departing and arriving
in low Earth orbit to/from a min-energy Hohmann transfer ellipse, plus the corresponding delta-vees for
arriving into and departing from low Mars orbit. The same applies to the Ceres transfer, except that the ship just matches Ceres
orbital velocity about the sun instead of entering a “low orbit”. This would be typical of many small main belt
For those types of propulsion in the order listed above
(nuclear explosion, nuclear
thermal, ion drive, LOX-LH2 chemical, and storable chemical), my assumed inputs for Isp were 10,000
sec, 1000 sec, 3000 sec,
470 sec, and 330 sec
respectively. Vehicle inert mass
fractions were 0.50, 0.25, 0.10,
0.05, and 0.05 respectively.
All these dV’s were summed,
as required to do the entire mission single-stage. The total orbital delta-vee (dV) to and from
Mars is 3.84+1.83+1.83+3.84 = 11.34 km/s.
Impulsive-burn options need supply only that summed delta-vee with zero
gravity and drag losses. Long-burn ion
must supply a lot more than that, due to
very large planetary and solar gravity losses.
All but the ion option were considered as "impulsive
burn" and Hohmann min energy transfer,
with vehicle acceleration exceeding 0.1 gee to enforce that. These used the unfactored sum of orbital dV's
to and from Mars (orbit-to-orbit transport) as the mass ratio-effective dV for
the rocket equation. The spreadsheet
input is factor equal to one.
The ion option must spiral-out and spiral-in at the planetary
orbits, and accelerates to midpoint then
decelerates to arrival on the transfer trajectory (a patched spiral about the
sun). Propulsion is sized for 0.001 gee
to ensure that this kind of transfer is feasible. To account for the planetary and solar gravity
losses of the resulting months-of-burn,
I just doubled the orbital dV sum to 22.68 km/s. For the spreadsheet, this is factor equal to two.
For Ceres, Earth
departure and arrival dV is 5.24 km/s.
The orbit-matching dV at Ceres (arrival and departure) is just about
3.49 km/s. That round trip sum is 17.46
km/s for all but the ion drive option,
unchanged by factor equal to one.
Using factor equal to two for ion drive,
that mass ratio-effective total is 34.92 km/s.
All 5 designs carried exactly the same 2000 metric tons of
dead-head payload, an arbitrary
selection perhaps appropriate for a colony-type mission. (I did not look at how to get that payload up
to LEO, or down from LMO, that issue would be the same for all the
candidates.) This was done for Mars in a
spreadsheet worksheet, whose image is
Figure 1. All figures are at the end of
this article.
Analysis Equations
Sum the round trip delta-vees, and factor the sum for the mass ratio-effective
delta-vee required of each propulsion type:
required dV = (factor)(sum of all 4 orbital delta vees), where factor = 1 for impulsive propulsion
(acceleration exceeding 0.10 gee), and
factor = 2 for long-burn ion propulsion (0.001 gee required).
Estimate the effective exhaust velocity from the specific
impulse: Vex, km/s = 9.8067 (Isp,
Calculate the mass ratio required: MR = exp(dV/Vex), with both velocities in km/s
Calculate the propellant mass fraction: Wp/Wig = 1 – 1/MR
Input an inert mass fraction Win/Wig (must be justified in
some way as “realistic”)
Calculate the available payload fraction Wpay/Wig = 1 – Win/Wig
– Wp/Wig (must be positive to be even
theoretically feasible)
Input the delivered dead-head payload Wpay, metric tons (arbitrary, but should be realistic)
Calculate the ignition mass Wig, metric tons:
Wig = Wpay/(Wpay/Wg)
Calculate the inert mass Win, metric tons:
Win = Wig*(Win/Wig)
Calculate the propellant mass Wp, metric tons:
Wp = Wig*(Wp/Wig)
Calculate the ignition to payload mass ratio: Wig/Wpay = (Wig, m.ton)/(Wpay, m.ton)
Results Obtained
Results for Mars:
nuclear explosion drive 5118 metric tons at ignition with
ignition/payload 2.56:1 (see Figure 2).
Nuclear thermal 30,945 metric tons at ignition with 15.47:1 ignition/payload
(see Figure 3). Hall effect ion drive 5516
metric tons at ignition with ignition/payload 2.76 (see Figure 4). LOX-LH2 56,486 metric tons at ignition with
ignition/payload 28.24 (see Figure 5).
Storable chemical utterly infeasible with a negative payload fraction
available (see Figure 6).
The nuclear explosion drive offers the lowest
ignition/payload ratio going to Mars at 2.56:1,
based on the old 1950's shaped-charge fission device technology. This would be a very tough ship design, probably usable for a century or more, and likely tough enough to aerobrake, reducing the load of bombs in favor of more
payload. Its stout hull and huge pusher
plate are effective radiation shields.
The ion propulsion offers the next best ignition/payload
ratio going to Mars at a very comparable 2.76:1, which to be practical would require its thrusters
operating on something cheap,
plentiful, and storable-as-a-condensed-phase
(at very low pressure), like
iodine. This would be a relatively
gossamer structure unable to survive aerobraking, and it would likely also have a limited
service life. Radiation protection would
have to be added.
Two of the others (nuclear thermal and LOX-LH2), while theoretically feasible, are nowhere close in ignition/payload ratio
going to Mars. These are unaffordable “Battlestar
Galacticas” for any reasonable payload delivery aimed at colonization. And the storable chemicals are just
infeasible in any sense of the word for a Mars colonization ship, simply because there is a negative payload
fraction available, once propellant
fraction has been determined, and with a
suitable inert fraction input. It simply
cannot do the mission single stage.
I think you can look at the ignition/payload mass
ratio to judge whether-or-not a given propulsion system might serve as a
practical way to build a colony ship.
This value needs to be no more than about 5 or thereabouts, in order not to build an unaffordable “Battlestar
Galactica”. This is a “fuzzy”
boundary, dependent upon how much you
think you can afford.
The same sort of analysis applies to other
destinations. You just need an
appropriate list of orbit-to-orbit delta-vees,
and the same list of realistic guesses for inert fractions.
Results for Ceres:
I added a worksheet to the same spreadsheet for a colony-type ship to
Ceres, as “typical” of the asteroid
belt. Those spreadsheet results are
shown in Figure 7. Figures 2 – 6 also
show the Ceres results (as well as the Mars results).
The only feasible choices for Ceres colony ships were nuclear
explosion propulsion and nuclear-powered electric propulsion. It’s the same basic calculation, just with somewhat bigger delta-vees. The nuclear thermal and both chemical options
simply had fundamentally-infeasible negative payload fractions available. They simply cannot perform the mission single-stage.
The same general outcome choices obtain for Ceres as for
Mars: your nuclear explosion drive ship
is quite robust, promising a long
service life, while the ion ship is
rather flimsy. For this main belt
asteroid application, the ignition to
payload ratio is also substantially more favorable for the nuclear explosion
ship (2.97), vs the ion ship (4.87).
The trend here is clear: the further out you go with a
single-stage, round-trip colony
ship, the more the ignition/payload
ratio is going to favor nuclear explosion propulsion as the more affordable
option. Radiation protection needs will
also favor the shielding effect of the stout hull required of the nuclear
explosion drive. Bigger also favors ease
of incorporating spin “gravity”.
#1. George Dyson, “Project
Orion – The True Story of the Atomic Spaceship”, Henry Holt,
#2. David Buden, “Nuclear
Thermal Propulsion Systems”, Polaris
Books, 2011.

Figure 1 – Spreadsheet Image: Mars Colonization Ship

Figure 2 – Results Summary for Nuclear Explosion Propulsion

Figure 3 – Results Summary for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion

Figure 4 – Results Summary for Iodine-Fueled Hall Effect Ion

Figure 5 – Results Summary for LOX-LH2 Chemical Propulsion

Figure 6 – Results Summary for NTO-MMH Chemical Propulsion

Figure 7 – Spreadsheet Image: Ceres Colonization Ship
That is assuming most of the cost is the ship itself.
ReplyDeleteEnergy contained in the propellant scaled to the pulsr drive:
Orion: 1
Ion. : 0.48
NTR. : 0.38
H/O : 0.2
I havent yet looked into efficiency of fission material usage.
Nuclear pulse drive is fission or fusion?
Paragraph 2 from Results Obtained: "based on the old 1950's shaped-charge fission device technology". You are looking at something one step removed from the "Fat Boy" plutonium implosion device of WW2.
DeleteThe cost of building large colonization ships may (or may not) exceed the cost of operating such a ship for multiple missions. Doesn't matter, both are huge.
It's the scale of the payload that makes it worthwhile, same as what makes ocean shipping a feasible thing to do. That multiple missions aspect is why you want to stage-off or jettison nothing.
I looked at these technologies as they are now, not as they might become in the future. Regardless, the trend is clear, there is a lot to recommend the explosion drive, despite the EMP and radiation side effects, and the legal difficulties with the Outer Space treaty.