Monday, October 23, 2023

Only Force Stops Bullies

Lost among all the war news from the middle east is more bullying conducted by the Chinese.  They are actually ramming vessels belonging to the Philippines,  according to news reports.  That risks lives,  and the longer this evil behavior goes on,  the more likely it is that people will die. 

They haven’t rammed our vessels yet,  but apparently feel no compunctions about ramming the vessels of a nation perceived as weaker.  This is classic bullying,  just like what happens among school children.  And only raw,  naked force stops it,  just like among school children.  The difference is that between nations,  the force is necessarily military action.

The worst offenders in recent years have been the Chinese,  the Russians,  the Iranians,  and the North Koreans.  You have to understand who and what these players really are.  All of these are brutal dictatorships masquerading as faux democracies.  Each dictator is the center of his own fearless leader cult.  Facts do not matter,  and all opposition is crushed,  creating the illusion of popular support.

These bullying dictators typically try to intimidate neighbors into letting them do whatever they want,  and if unopposed,  the offensive behavior always escalates.  If never opposed,  the bully eventually loses his fear of starting a war,  and starts one. 

Xi’s Chinese sail and fly too close to the ships and planes of other nations in the ocean regions they want to annex.  This has now escalated into ramming Philippine ships.  The Iranians under the mullahs are seizing ships in the Straits of Hormuz and have now conducted a major attack upon Israel with their proxy Hamas.  Kim Jong Un’s  North Koreans sank a South Korean ship a few years ago,  now they threaten dropping atom bombs on the South,  and on us and Japan.  It is all escalating.

Putin’s Russia first annexed part of Ukraine,  then sent a proxy army to cause death and destruction in eastern Ukraine,  and still being unopposed,  Putin is losing his fear of starting a war with NATO,  and has now invaded Ukraine,  committing all sorts of atrocities along the way.

If these ever-escalating bad behaviors sound familiar,  they should.  Nazi Germany was a dictatorship built around Adolf Hitler as the center of a fearless leader cult.  His offensive behaviors first included annexing the Rhineland,  then the Sudentland,  then all of Czechoslovakia and Austria.  Never opposed,  he lost his fear of war and invaded Poland,  starting World War 2 in Europe.  And we know all too well about what happened as a result,  and all the atrocities he committed.  

Xi’s China has also so far been unopposed with force.  The next step for them is invading Taiwan,  which could well start World War 3 in the Pacific.  Oh,  you heard about that?  Now you understand the seriousness of the pattern here,  because I just told you. 

Diplomacy and sanctions are no opposition for these bullying dictators.  Only raw naked force gets their attention.  Without it,  their escalating misbehavior does not change.  THAT is the lesson of history!  Learn the lesson,  or repeat the history!  Simple as that!

The next time one of these dictator’s ships endangers one of ours on the high seas,  fire a shot across its bow (the signal understood for centuries).  If they don’t adjust,  then sink them,  no if’s,  and’s,  or but’s.  The next time one of their planes endangers one of ours,  fire a stream of tracers across its path.  If they don’t adjust,  shoot them down.  It is that simple,  and that brutal.  There is no other way. 

Global war is now upon you very soon,  if you fail to learn the lesson of history! 

I have written about this problem before,  at greater length than here.  If you want more depth,  go here on and see either (or both) the articles “What To Do About Aggressive Behavior At Sea Or In the Air” dated 8 June 2023,  and “Bullying Demands Resistance”,  dated 8 June 2019.  There is a fast navigation tool on the left side of that page.  Click on the year,  then the month,  then the title if more than one article was posted that month.  

You will soon see that I have not changed my opinions about what has been happening,  or what is required to stop it.  The only thing different is the increasing urgency as this escalates into war.

If you end up agreeing with my assessment,  then contact your federal representation,  and tell them what you want done.  If they won’t do it,  then elect somebody else.  Simple as that. 

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